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  1. Moonchild141

    Day 3 Thoughts (possible spoilers)

    dont read em then
  2. Moonchild141

    Day 3 Thoughts (possible spoilers)

    thnk Ascendia was a bit better then u give credit tho pretty much agree with you. Im a big Scar Symmettry fan and thought they killed it tho the sound guy had trouble getting everything at the right levels. a lil too loud maybe? but damn they got the Death jovi thing down! Anneke stole the show...
  3. Moonchild141

    ProgPower USA: Ways to Save Money

    If I take MAARTA what are the chances of being robbed n such. Im from philly and people with luggage are prime crime targets on SEPTA. an what would a cab cost me from the airport to midtown?
  4. Moonchild141

    ProgPower USA: Ways to Save Money

    I got a suite at the residence might be open to let someone crash on the couch. esp if they could help me with being a guide and such.
  5. Moonchild141

    ProgPower USA XVII: Tickets/Gold Badges-Wanted/For Sale

    Day 2 is considered the thursday stuff right? If anyone has a ticket to sell for that im willing. also interested in anyother possible stuff, gold badges etc.Im very uninformed how things go here i basically went for Devin and Fates but wanna enjoy my time in Atlanta to its fullest would love...
  6. Moonchild141

    New Kamelot - Silverthorn

    Also I dont think the Tone is paper thin at all, I think his guitar growls on this one, but production is always in the eye of the beholder (see the last dream theater album) unless its blatantly bad like st anger or vapor trails.
  7. Moonchild141

    New Kamelot - Silverthorn

    I love My Confession !!!
  8. Moonchild141

    New Kamelot - Silverthorn

    Hey Ghost see ya here talkin about it like over in that other place :) I echo the Album of the year statements. I was a doubter of Kamelots' future after Roy left.Tommy makes that go away though seeing he does a great Roy but also adds his own elements and is a great front man. I like this album...
  9. Moonchild141

    Kamelot announces new Singer

    He did a good job on the 2 Kamelot songs I heard on youtube. I guess I am weird because i never really could get into Seventh Wonder. Maybe ill revisit them to get more familiar with this guy. He reminds me a lot of Russel Allen when he used to not use his harsh voice. I was hoping the guy from...
  10. Moonchild141

    New site any time soon?

    Whats up J-dub! i been lurkin here n there. just busy with life ya know?
  11. Moonchild141

    New site any time soon?

    Ive been around on this forum and the old Teof mailing list forever. And SyX has always been way behind with this stuff. Deron actually had control of the website once then factors led to him not doing it anymore. He woulda been great at keeping it up, But there are many people who could do a...
  12. Moonchild141

    In Flames - Sounds of a Playground Fading

    People bitch about them selling out or trying to be Korn. I never get it when i listen to them. I thought A Sense of Purpose was a very good disk but it got bashedby the "troo" fans. In flames has definately shifted their sound since Whoracle, from a death metal band with catchy melodies, to a...
  13. Moonchild141

    Iconoclast spoiler thread

    Well another thing that is missing is how they used to have the male choirs as a big part of their sound. That seems to have disapeared totally. also in a lot of the songs on the new album there is no natural flow to the songs.There is a lot of PL recycled riffs on this record as well. Ill never...
  14. Moonchild141

    Iconoclast spoiler thread

    I think SyX have written great lyrics in the past. V is a lyrical masterpiece. Through The Looking Glass I love. But i think alot of bands hit a lyrical wall after a certain point. SyX is a band past their prime and Lyrics show that. That said they are still a pretty good band.
  15. Moonchild141

    Iconoclast spoiler thread

    Ya as i said in my post If you are a metal fan you sort of have to take some bad lyrics for most bands. I like Rhapsody and King Diamond for that matter :)
  16. Moonchild141

    Iconoclast spoiler thread

    I dunno This album starts out with such a bang as the first 2 tracks are as good as anything they have done. Could easily fit in V. After that it just devolves into cut and paste Riffs and the bag of Romeo Solo tricks. Lyrics don't bother me as being a metal fan you have to deal with that a lot...
  17. Moonchild141

    Sepultura - Kairos

    There is a song on there that really sounds like a rip off of Cavalera Conspriracy. Album isnt bad as i like the last few "Sepultura" albums. Dante IX i thought was a killer CD even with Derek greens bad vocals. The new one he sounds a lot closer to Max then he ever has. It just isn't Sepultura...
  18. Moonchild141

    Symphony X - Iconoclast

    Nice ownage there Madman!
  19. Moonchild141

    Who are your top 5 vocalists to replace Khan?

    I never get the Seventh Wonder love. The singer reminds me of Russel Allen but not as good. The Micheal Erikson is too Nasally (dunno how to spell it) sort of like Charlie Dominicci and i hate that style. Jeff Scott Soto was never my cup of tea Hated him with Yngvie. John West is a great singer...
  20. Moonchild141

    Who are your top 5 vocalists to replace Khan?

    If any of these competent but generic singers get the job I would rather them end the band. Khans voice had a distinctive aspect to it, While these other guys that are being Mentioned have great voices but nothing that seperates them from the traditional whaling high end ball pincher. So what...