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  1. mul-gar

    Football fans here ?

    Alright, I guess I will be the only Skins fan to chime in. GOOOOO Redskins! :hotjump: After all the turmoil this club has been through, it will take at least 3 years to right the ship. I have full confidence that J G can do that :worship: . I for one knew it would not happen overnight...
  2. mul-gar


    i feel that if mulitiple festivals were started it might only weaken the original. i think that if there were others out west, people would only come to the one closest to them. PP V was my first. i was under the impression that the one in GA was the southeast version and there were others on...
  3. mul-gar

    Fates Warning - Fwx !!!

    I am unsure of this album at this point (only heard it once so far). I agree with hunter about the "tool" influence. Some of the sounds on this album are not very "Fates-ish". But I also agree with the fiddler, this is a very good merge of "APSOG" and "Disconnected". When I first heard APSOG I...
  4. mul-gar

    Okay... the ONE band you must see before you die

    nightwish, nightwish, nightwish. :rock: 'nuff said.
  5. mul-gar

    Expect a few changes next year

    "Damn that sucks!!! It's these special privileges that makes ProgPower so unique. Leave it to a couple a-holes to ruin it for everyone. Wish I'd seen one of the bastards." I could not have said it better. this was my first PP and i would hate to see it change because of these jerks!
  6. mul-gar

    Fairfield reservations

    That sounds great, but the real question is will they be just as nice next year. From what I have heard though, The Fairfiled is the place to be.
  7. mul-gar

    I think a great band for 6.0 would be

    Fates Warning or Nightwish would be my picks for PP VI.
  8. mul-gar

    brainstorm were amazing at Progpower!

    these guys were great!! the surprise hit of the show. thank you for the great show guys!!
  9. mul-gar

    Anti Kamelot?

    considering the main reason i came to PP was to see Kamelot, i thought they were awesome also. i was not into POS, but i was not rude about it. they were just my style of music. but they did not suck. i mean come on, these are ALL GREAT bands or they would not be there right! one thing i did get...
  10. mul-gar

    The first "this band should be at next years prog power" thread

    Evergrey Nightwish Fates Warning Mercenary Helloween Silent Force Symphony X Threshold these are my pics for next year. if i had to pick one that i would most like to see it would be Nightwish.
  11. mul-gar

    My PP5 pictures....

    hey repoman2112, this was my first PP. It looks like you guys had a blast. what hotel did you stay at? i would like to get closer to the action next year. thanks, mul-gar
  12. mul-gar

    Festival T-shirt: More on sale soon

    yes. i would like one also. XXL please. this was my first PP USA. But you can sure bet it ain't the last. THANK YOU GLEN!!!