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  1. S

    Coolest guy @ PPV......

    BTW as you can see I changed my handle. I forgot my The_Q password and am STILL waiting for the e-mail so I can change it.
  2. S

    Coolest guy @ PPV......

    Bryant and Shaye, Wow!!! I am so speechless!! Thank you so much. I think very highly of the both of you. I started my dialysis today and was feeling bad until I read that post. You can definitely give me a noogie next year if you can catch me. Shaye will you marry me? LOL. YOU GUYS SO RULE!
  3. S

    Timo Kotipelto

    that was Heather Smith, publicist for Century Media. She is super cool!
  4. S

    Prettiest Women at PP5

    dammit, do I have to choose between Shaye and Metalrose now? Or can we all just date, LOL Zod
  5. S

    Zero Hour Announcement!

    Who the hell is Zero Hour anyway? Never heard of them!