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  1. R

    New fan/ Opeth on online radio??

    I don't know what filesharing is. <embarassed>
  2. R

    New fan/ Opeth on online radio??

    Hi all, I've heard several Opeth tunes on Dark Shadows radio at Live365. This is great stuff, considering I have a VERY LOW tolerance for growling vocals. I love the snarling sound of the guitars. The only other progressive-type metal I have in my collection is Symphony X, Rhapsody and...
  3. R

    Ken, will you be getting more Subterranea studio CDs?

    I was going to order the IQ Subterranea studio disc and just noticed its no longer in the listings. Are you out of stock? Also, I was looking to get the Dreadnaught -American Standard CD and notice that;s no longer listed. thanks