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  1. Yoda

    Still Life cough

    well you must be right, considering the "amounts of times that i have played and hear it". like i said, who gives a fuck what you think. i think it says "melinda" and i'm sticking with that,despite the fact that it's "pathetic". wtf?
  2. Yoda

    Still Life cough

    ^ wtf, why would that be pathetic? who gives a fuck if you're "positive" it's a sigh, i'm just saying that this has been discussed (numerous times) and he says "melinda". listen to the fucking song dickface.
  3. Yoda

    Still Life cough

    I can't tell which of you are being sarcastic or not, but there was a thread a little while back and Mike is definitely saying "Melinda" at 10:08 or so. Apparently used to do it live, so there you go.
  4. Yoda

    Full Metal Racket

    You can listen to it on the net, so why bother with your radio?
  5. Yoda

    All I want for Christmas is an Opeth Concert.....

    Ah yes, happy/merry christmas to all you gentlemen and women.
  6. Yoda

    Opeth Progression - from Orchid to GR

    Mike's vocals were the best on Brave Murder Day IMO.
  7. Yoda

    update the opeth web site..for christ sake

    Axenrot resembles Davey from Romper Stomper IMO.
  8. Yoda

    What's ur favorte part of "Lepar Affinity?

  9. Yoda

    Opeth Progression - from Orchid to GR

    I think Mike's voice has developed in both aspects (clean and, er, not clean). MAYH was definitely the turning point, losing the harmonies and all of that.
  10. Yoda

    Worst Album covers...

    I don't get it.
  11. Yoda

    Tim Buckley

    You've never heard of Jeff Buckley? Get Grace, good album.
  12. Yoda

    Worst Album covers...

    Yeah, some are weird but actually kind of cool. Such as
  13. Yoda

    Worst Album covers...

    Could see Manowar being on the list. Horrible shit. Edit: Dear god.:erk:
  14. Yoda

    Sunset forever.... over

  15. Yoda

    The Guy from Still Life

    Haha, I forgot all about that.
  16. Yoda


    That certainly was very cool.
  17. Yoda


    Genius I tell you. Microsoft word too.
  18. Yoda

    Mordet I Grottan

    AFAIK there's a link to download it on the wikipedia thingo.
  19. Yoda

    Lyrics Game part II (new rules)

    Skipped yours? It's your turn..