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  1. Craven Moorehead

    Palin is kaput -

  2. Craven Moorehead

    Let's clean it up folks

    Don't whine when you get banned, Sue - it's patently obvious that you have zero respect for the administrator's rule.
  3. Craven Moorehead

    Sarah Palin - bulldog and barracuda? What a pathetic liar.
  4. Craven Moorehead

    The Obama Youth

    Classic. :lol: They're the smart ones, huh? Good grief - you are one seriously unenlightened dullard. :) By the way, I greatly enjoyed seeing you get your ass handed to you on this same 'Obama Youth' subject by those folks on the COC board. :lol:
  5. Craven Moorehead

    The Obama Youth

    Speaking of ACORN, it gets a mention here... WHEWWWwwwwwwww.
  6. Craven Moorehead

    He's baaaaccckkk!!

    :lol: :lol: :lol:
  7. Craven Moorehead

    The Obama Youth

    Not familiar with the cultural history of Stepping, huh? It's only been around since the mid-20th century. Please excuse me while I go back to laughing at your ignorance and irrational fear...
  8. Craven Moorehead

    The Obama Youth

  9. Craven Moorehead

    The Obama Youth

    Lawyers, architects, and engineers...OH MY!!
  10. Craven Moorehead

    Sarah Palin - bulldog and barracuda?

    Anyone with even a modicum of intellectual honesty will look at this flowchart and admit that it's an acurate reflection of her debating prowess.
  11. Craven Moorehead

    Sarah Palin - bulldog and barracuda?

    Watch Sarah get sodomized by the crushing power of the mighty Katy Couric... Palin claims she can go toe-to-toe with Putin - I'd be amazed if she could hold her own with Kelly Ripa.
  12. Craven Moorehead

    Sarah Palin - bulldog and barracuda? She's such a PITBULL!! :rock:
  13. Craven Moorehead

    Sarah Palin - bulldog and barracuda?

    Romney would have been a better choice, and he's an insufferable dope.
  14. Craven Moorehead

    Sarah Palin - bulldog and barracuda?

    :lol: :lol: :lol:
  15. Craven Moorehead

    Sarah Palin - bulldog and barracuda?

  16. Craven Moorehead

    Sarah Palin - bulldog and barracuda?

    Roger Ebert on Sarah Palin: The American Idol candidate BY ROGER EBERT Sun-Times Movie Critic I think I might be able to explain some of Sarah Palin's appeal. She's the "American Idol" candidate. Consider. What defines an "American Idol" finalist? They're good-looking, work well on...
  17. Craven Moorehead

    Sarah Palin - bulldog and barracuda?

    Were you offended by Obama's "pig with lipstick" comment?
  18. Craven Moorehead

    NO Insane McCain! NO Barack Hussein!

    You sound like a fine American to me - one who thinks for himself and doesn't tow a party line. Thanks very much for your dedication and service to our country - I greatly appreciate it.
  19. Craven Moorehead

    Sarah Palin - bulldog and barracuda?

    You can't interview her, she won't answer questions and anything said about her (despite her speech that was FILLED with swipes at other people) without being out of bounds and/or sexist.