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  1. BlackMetalTyrant

    Death Metal

    morogoth, they are pretty awesome, I never hear much about em though
  2. BlackMetalTyrant

    Black Metal.

    I have never heard them
  3. BlackMetalTyrant

    Your top 6 metal albums

    Current top six Behemoth-Prometherion Queen-Greatest Hits Jaco Pastorius-The Essential... Megadeth-United Abominations Immortal-Damned in Black Death-Individual Though Patterns
  4. BlackMetalTyrant


    I will fuck you in your ass with no lube:Smug:
  5. BlackMetalTyrant


    who wants to admit they like avenged sevenfold? I dig em.
  6. BlackMetalTyrant

    The Thread Where You Talk About Music You Like

    he is an uncle tom then.
  7. BlackMetalTyrant

    The Thread Where You Talk About Music You Like

    Maroon 5, their singer is hawt, omg. Just kidding. I haven't taken Behemoths new one out of my CD player since I bought it a week or so ago. I just saw em live too. Nile Ityphallic is fucking tight also. I just saw Obituary Monday night and their new disc is suprisingly awesome, Ralph Santolla...
  8. BlackMetalTyrant

    Covers of Trouble songs

    I met their bass player saturday night, along with Karl Agell(sp?) from the Blind album by COC
  9. BlackMetalTyrant


    I saw them live with Municipal Waste and if was pretty fucking sweet.
  10. BlackMetalTyrant

    The most disappointing albums of 2007 so far.

    I was dissapointed by Dimmu's new album, Hellhammers drumming is plenty fast, but just unneccesary. He triggers his entire kit versus just his bass drums so the drums on "In sorte" sound like the drum machine used on a rap album. Plus after track 2 it just gets gayer and gayer.
  11. BlackMetalTyrant


    Im getting really sick of Metalcore and Hardcore, in an effort to sound different all of these bands have suceeded in playing the same overproduced, terribly written, redundant and generic music. There is no need to bitch about metalcore much though, it will fall by the wayside soon. Plus the...
  12. BlackMetalTyrant

    Metal bands you wish never broke up

    Cynic Carcass(I think the riffs on heartwork are as good as it gets) Tulus
  13. BlackMetalTyrant

    Black Metal.

    agreed, the composition on Anthems is fucking amazing. In the Nightside Eclipse is a great album, but the guitar work on it is pretty intricate and the recording just does not do it justice. The gritty production worked for bands like Darkthrone that had a more simplistic aproach to their...
  14. BlackMetalTyrant

    Your Favourite Metal Guitarist

    Chris Poland Dimebag Darrell Yngwie Zakk Wylde Ihsahn Abbath James Macdonough(sp) the new lead player for megadeth
  15. BlackMetalTyrant

    Best music video ever

  16. BlackMetalTyrant

    Australian Metal \m/

    I liked the band Men at Work alot, they are fucking evil
  17. BlackMetalTyrant

    Black Metal.

    I like Meza Virs, check out an awesome band around my area, I hang out with these guys sometimes,
  18. BlackMetalTyrant

    I hope you all know you are going to rot in hell

    Being angry at hateful is alot of fun, and If you can't see why I would choose Dying Fetus over Creedence Clearwater Revival then alot of things are going to be beyond you. None of us are punks or goths either bitch, we are metal heads. Also you mentioned a few bands that aren't offensive or are...
  19. BlackMetalTyrant

    Your top 6 metal albums

    Yea Im pretty sure that topics been beaten to death
  20. BlackMetalTyrant

    how you got into metal

    I just thought of it as black, not completely though, but it has all the blasting and harmonic minor tremolo riffing work.