Search results

  1. Heckelgruber

    The New Meshuggah - obZen

    I like this album a lot, I agree with the comment that it's more energetic although I don't really agree that it's better than Catch-33 - it just sounds different. For me, Meshuggah is more about a weird Meshuggah-groove than sounding thrashing or crushing even though superficially they sound...
  2. Heckelgruber

    Devin Townsend

    Not underrated by me... love it.
  3. Heckelgruber

    Interview with Mr. Å

    That interview raises my expectations for the new release even more. Mikael mentions people saying that Opeth don't have anything new to offer but I've always felt that the opposite is true - that each album has its own identity and is good in it's own right. The interview seems to signal...
  4. Heckelgruber

    Radiohead -- In Rainbows

    Interesting epic post with many good points. What is wrong with Amazon? Surely online retailers are some of the people keeping a lid on the cost of buying CDs by competing with traditional shops agressively on price and offering more choice combined with an opportunity to preview clips of music.
  5. Heckelgruber

    Most Anticipated Releases for 2008

    Apparently Keep of Kalessin are working on a new one. Opeth (obviously) Meshuggah <3
  6. Heckelgruber

    Thank you for the Roundhouse Tapes, Mikael!

    The sound is great, even streaming it from at terrible resolution. Definitely worth buying, and a good souvenir since I was at the show.
  7. Heckelgruber

    Opeth in studio 2007 -discussion

    I'm sure that interpreting the statement as being that the album will contain no melody is somewhat literal-minded, he probably just means that the emphasis will be on heavier riffs and the DM dimension of Opeth's music. Like pushing up the Deliverance/Blackwater Park slider and backing off on...
  8. Heckelgruber


    ^ One of the best things about Meshuggah... every time you put their CD on you will like it a bit more than last time.
  9. Heckelgruber

    New Metallica album to be good?

    Maybe one day I'll write a song instead of shitting on other peoples... :erk::erk::erk::erk::erk::erk::lol:
  10. Heckelgruber

    New Metallica album to be good?

    If I listen to Metallica ever, it's RtL, MoP or Justice.
  11. Heckelgruber

    Deathspell Omega - Fas: Ite, Maledicti, In Ignem Aeternum

    Nah, Kenose took a little while to penetrate my obtuse skull. I'm quite into Akercocke already, although I also see them more as a genre-bending type band. They mix clean vocals with impressively deep death metal type growls, quite a lot of more death metal style riffing blended with some of...
  12. Heckelgruber

    Deathspell Omega - Fas: Ite, Maledicti, In Ignem Aeternum

    Wow. Apologies if this has been done to death, haven't posted here for several months and can't be bothered to do a detailed search every time I want to rave about an album. I had a bit of a DsO epiphany after a few listens to Kenose. Having initially been slightly unimpressed, I...
  13. Heckelgruber


    Not wishing to derail the fascinating and deep dissection of Meshuggah's music, just thought I would add my love for this band. I cannot wait to see them live in November. I also very much like Thordendahl's side-project album Sol Niger Within.
  14. Heckelgruber

    New Metallica album to be good?

    It includes recordings of Lars Ulrich, so it's very important to download it for free. I will also get the album but my expectations are very low. Watching Some Kind of Monster sort of explained quite a bit. James and Lars seemed unbearably whiny and self-centred, having hired a psychologist...
  15. Heckelgruber

    The Smiths

    The Smiths are one of my permanent favourite bands. Morrisey puts many off with his aloof and foppish image but he is a savage, mordant lyricist and his vocal style perfectly complements his lyrics. Johnny Marr's guitar and bass lines hang together beautifully too - amazing that he was doing...
  16. Heckelgruber

    most uncommercial albums

    Gurz sounds pretty commercial actually. :lol:
  17. Heckelgruber

    Mastodon - Blood Mountain

    I bought Blood Mountain on a whim and initially felt a bit disappointed. It really clicked with me the other day when I had it on in the car... there is a large amount of wanking but it's mostly fun wanking that sounds good. The drummer can't resist doing elaborate bits all over the place but...
  18. Heckelgruber

    good p2p/hub for underground metal?

    For a few $/mth you can get virtually anything on Usenet through your browser. Try EasyNews ®.
  19. Heckelgruber

    What Music Have You Bought Recently?

    ^ Good choice, I'm well into DTB at the moment :-) I've had this on MP3 for a long time now - finally did the decent thing bought it. I'm having a bit of a Thordendahl phase.
  20. Heckelgruber

    Guitar Tone

    My Mesa Single Rectifier combo is a good compromise for rectifier type distortion and nice cleans. There are amps that do one or the other a bit better but the sound is outstanding and versatile on both channels. You can swap in EL34 power tubes for even more variety too. It isn't much good for...