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  1. Magrathean

    2013: CONSTRUCT

    Living next to the forest sounds awesome. A good friend of mine recently moved to a beautiful little house right next to the forest in Frederikstad, Norway, and you can't believe how envious I am of him. The vid you posted shows a very pretty range of colours in the trees, but I cannot fathom...
  2. Magrathean

    2013: CONSTRUCT

    I also thought Apathetic was a bit of a rehash of the themes visited in Lost to apathy, but I don't think there's anything inherently wrong with that; as long as the song is interesting and there's anything to say about the subject, I don't mind a little repetition here and there. DT also has a...
  3. Magrathean

    A little darker, a little deeper..

    Which makes the band that much greater. A band that's so complex and multifaceted that even the biggest fans can disagree so strongly on their music is a band which has permanently carved its name into the history books, wouldn't you agree?
  4. Magrathean

    A little darker, a little deeper..

    Beautiful story, Laura. :) I know how meaningful music can be; it's great to know it can be as meaningful and beautiful to other people as it is to me. Oh, and congrats on the card and LTA EP from Mikael! I'd like to see his face when you show it to him! My story isn't anywere near that deep or...
  5. Magrathean

    SORROW'S ARCHITECT - New song streaming online!

    Great song, as always, but I do like it less than what made it to the final album (well, except Photon dreams (which has an excellent name, but I digress)). Niklas, will this be available as a bonus track in some special edition or as a B-side in some EP/single? I love the new theme, by the...
  6. Magrathean

    2013: CONSTRUCT

    I keep discovering new things each time I listen to Construct. That's priceless.
  7. Magrathean

    2013: CONSTRUCT

    I don't think they did it for the geeks; they are geeks. ;)
  8. Magrathean

    2013: CONSTRUCT

    Fuck. The mind's I and We are the void are no longer my favourite DT albums. State of trust is beautiful (as is the rest of the album, but this is my favourite song on it). I love the (brilliant) way the bridge seems to slow down to less than half the speed of the rest of the song, yet the...
  9. Magrathean

    Question for Caotico (and everyone else)

    I more or less periodically listen to DT's entire works in chronological order. I get a little annoyed when I get to Exposures and Yesterworlds because I've already got into the 2000s-DT mood and all of a sudden I'm listening to their work from 1994 and earlier; not that that work isn't awesome...
  10. Magrathean

    2013: CONSTRUCT

    Awesome! I'm really looking forward to this. :) I just heard the new song. There's another thirteen (apparently) songs I haven't heard yet and it's impossible to judge an entire album from a single track, but if the rest of the album is like this song then I'll be a very happy fan. I hadn't...
  11. Magrathean

    2013: CONSTRUCT

    I am not, in fact, into FB; I have done everything in my power to remain as far from it as humanly possible in this day and age. As such, I do not have an account or intend to create one. However, I'll ask my girl whether she'd allow me to use hers for this DT-forum group; I'm honoured you're...
  12. Magrathean

    2013: CONSTRUCT

    It would work wonders in the booklet. As someone else once said, DT should send you advance copies of all albums from now on, stizzle; I say they should then put your analyses in the booklets (or in booklets in special editions, or something).
  13. Magrathean

    The Void and You - A Technical Reference

    But there is. I have always interpreted Iridium in a slightly different way than you. To me, it is not restricted to the end of all life on Earth, but rather deals with the end of everything. Many lines may be interpreted in the exact same way in either version (end of life on Earth vs end...
  14. Magrathean

    The Void and You - A Technical Reference

    I've been away from this thread for forever, first due to the horrible lack of spare time that studying any science entails and later due to being out of the country (and consequently away from my computer) for a few weeks. Regrettably, with classes starting again this monday it'll be impossible...
  15. Magrathean

    Apologies from Arizona

    There are always idiots at concerts, metal or not, 12 years old or not. For DT in Arizona it was a water bottle; for other bands in other places, it's (at best) beer glasses or (at worst) beer glasses where the beer has been replaced by a certain other yellow liquid of a more directly biological...
  16. Magrathean

    We Are The Void

    The cover of Damage done is a crouching Mikael with blood fountaining out of his head and the colors all changed to different shades of red: Sorry for the part about the void and the WATV cover, though; i completely missed it the first time, and now that i read it i see we said just about...
  17. Magrathean

    The Void and You - A Technical Reference

    Thank you for another great read, stizzleomnibus. The funny thing is that, since DT always writes first the music and then the lyrics when composing songs, Mikael chose the lyrical theme of The fatalist (and obviously the title, although that is irrelevant) after the "mournful surrender"...
  18. Magrathean

    We Are the Void: Reviews

    We always do it anyway. I guess it's one of those "DT-forum traditions", like flaming In Flames and cowering in a corner right after saying "i like [insert non-metal band here]".
  19. Magrathean

    The Void and You - A Technical Reference

    Exactly. Hey, Insanity's crescendo (complete with thhe one-minute-long sloooow (and beautiful) intro, worked wonders in Milan! ;) I'd love to be treated to Arkhangelsk live.
  20. Magrathean

    We Are The Void

    Like everyone else here, i can't honestly say that i'm a fan of the cover of We are the void. However, the other day i was reflecting on it and something came to my attention. This is an attempt to make everyone here (including myself) appreciate the album cover a little more: The cover...