Search results

  1. mick thompson

    Peavey 6505+ Hum Problem! ARGHHH!

    Not trying to dig up old shit... but for science... Stick balanced cables in your entire setup - That solved the problem for me. From your Guitar to amp, Head to Cab & FX Loop (including the small 6" patch cables from pedal to pedal. You might need to solder these up yourself if you can't find...
  2. mick thompson

    Just seen Rage Against The Machine live in Dublin

    Im literally home like 15 minutes. They played in Dublin, Ireland in the O2 Arena because of our attempt and the uk's attempt at making killing in the name of the christmas number 1 track. By far one of the best gigs i've been to ever! The sound was absolutely perfect, just like it sounds...
  3. mick thompson

    Fucking ebay. Advice anyone?

    oh no im not saying he fucked up - god no! chances are he's just a greedy bastard and wanted more money - i don't know about international ebay but on ebay ireland you can set up an auction for free with no fees, if you want to include a reserve you have to pay so maybe thats what he done and...
  4. mick thompson

    Fucking ebay. Advice anyone?

    he doesn't actually have to sell it providing he has a legit reason, once you finish an auction you can go into the resolution centre with your product and cancel the product for a variety of reasons and the seller has the right to do that if he/she chooses to. reasons being example "item lost /...
  5. mick thompson

    Help a Brother Out

    First bunch of session files are up, i had a fucking nightmare trying to upload them and i ended up having to split them in dropbox to make it upload, it wouldn't upload it as a zip for some reason. Again this isn't my band, they're only young fellas so the music timing is pretty awful (just a...
  6. mick thompson

    Help a Brother Out

    Hey everyone, Can some body recommend me somewhere where i can upload the files? Dropbox on my Mac wont sync the files - It shuts off every few hours Mobile Me wont sync the files, it recognizes them but wont put them into the public folder for some fucking reason Somewhere with at least 1gb...
  7. mick thompson

    Help a Brother Out

    Thanks to both of you's, I really can't thank either of you enough Im uploading the 1st of the 3 session files - Its going to take a while though I'll update this with the links tomorrow for the first bunch - Dropbox is showing its going to be close to 8 hours until the first session is...
  8. mick thompson

    Help a Brother Out

    Hey lads, I dont know if you've noticed but i haven't been around since November / December 2009 - My mother is in ICU in a Dublin Hospital due to some bad illness which i'd rather not go into detail about Anyway to cut things short there was a local band from my town (just kids) who won...
  9. mick thompson

    fackin hilarious studio blog footage of my get-up

    el weeman :lol:
  10. mick thompson

    the dube - new instrument made by a footballer (soccer i presume)

    could be fun... could be shit - check the link if you care .
  11. mick thompson

    Need some reassurance - my first TRACKING session with Pro Tools HD

    hahaha or even better again a cuppa tea whilst having the dick sucked off ya pure pleasure :lol:
  12. mick thompson

    Why doesn't my toms sound fat and loud??

    are you sure your feeding tom enough? if you feed him enough he should get fat. and he'll become loud as he gets hungry :lol: what exactly are you doing to your toms? are you hp/lp'ing them to give space to your mixes other elements? is your drummer playing his velocities too differently so...
  13. mick thompson

    How to get that professional DEEP sound?

    a little trick to get some tight low end on your kick is to: sine wave enhance your kick at - i normally go for 40hz load up an oscillator and set it to output a sine wave at 40 hz constantly. on the same channel set up a gate and side chain it to your kick channel (if your kick is midi cut...
  14. mick thompson

    Need some reassurance - my first TRACKING session with Pro Tools HD

    measure twice cut once - double check your in's and out's save save save just incase dont clip your vu's make sure your recording in 24 / 32 bit bring tea... nothing beats a good ould cuppa brew whilst tracking
  15. mick thompson

    Guitarists - getting better at triplets?

    for me anyway its just something you learn, spend around a week or two on a slow set metronome and hit your triplets making sure to accent correctly at a slow speed. 2 weeks later bring up your speed and you'll be flying for myself its come to a stage where it just comes natural. example in...
  16. mick thompson

    Heard of this? Apple "iSlate"

    personally i would have loved the tablet if they had built it around the snow leopard os but the fact that they choose to use the iphone/touch os is really limiting stuff. example take a look at the apple tv, its os was very basically built on 10.4 or 5 which allowed it was hackable to run osx...
  17. mick thompson

    Heard of this? Apple "iSlate"

    well that was a wonderful show! its a glorified iphone! maybe the high def content is something to look forward to
  18. mick thompson

    Wagner Sharp for Logic.

    there are no AU amps that im aware of under "freeware" for osx im using logic 9 studio and my AU's for amp emulation are studio devil's guitar amp, amplitube metal, amplitube 1, amplitube 2, amplitube hendrix, amplitube metal, guitar rig 3, guitar rig 4 and logic 9 now comes bundled with its...
  19. mick thompson


    a good starting point is a line 6 toneport bundled with gearbox or podfarm as for free vst's for your DAW etc there are lots for windows, not many for mac go here and start asking questions under "equipment" and all shall be revealed
  20. mick thompson

    AmpliTube Fender

    go here children :lol: guitar rig 4 sucks, amplitube fender is terrible for metal tones, amplitube metal requires a lot of compression to get a natural sound and its very grainy. you also have studo devil's amp, revalver mk2 and mk3, line 6...