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  1. Anonymous

    Own Pictures Thread

    Still doing the kitchen thing? I did that for years and got pretty snazzy at it, I ended up the designated opener at this fancy pants gastropub in town doing sauté/board call and whipping up daily features for a few years until I burnt out. Then I was cast as the villain at a local dinner...
  2. Anonymous

    Own Pictures Thread

    Here's a quick then/now for all the oldfags who come here to remember
  3. Anonymous

    COBOT is dead

    I'm just gonna post here every time I come back for LOLstalgia
  4. Anonymous

    COBOT is dead

    Wow, this place IS dead. At least it still exists if I ever want to fiddle through old posts for a chuckle.
  5. Anonymous


    Whining about whiners is helping this thread remain on topic. I re-listened to the song today and I liked it a lot more than I did yesterday. I'm noticing little nuances to it that reminded me why I even like this band to begin with. PL sounded forced and lost me, but I have a feeling this...
  6. Anonymous


    It sounds a lot more rockin' than the past material, so they're probably gonna be having a lot more fun with it live than with older stuff. Not to discredit the older stuff of course, I'd just imagine it being difficult to rock out while playing The Damnation Game for example. I wish I could...
  7. Anonymous

    Official Off Topic Thread

    I used to blurt out generalizations like "black and death is crap" until I actually found bands in the genre that really catered to my tastes. It only went forward from there. Beats the hell out of staying in the same musical bubble forever. Edit: Gorguts is one of my favorite things to come...
  8. Anonymous

    Just for fun: TPAM - TPBM

    ^Copy cat! :mad: lul
  9. Anonymous

    Just for fun: TPAM - TPBM

    I'd have to say prog rock, simply because there's no day I don't either listen to Zappa, Rush, or King Crimson... But I really don't know, so I'll just say my top artists this week have been Atheist, ISIS, Rush, Krallice and Decapitated. TPBM: What is your profession? (in b4 HOOOO! HOOOOO...
  10. Anonymous

    Just for fun: TPAM - TPBM

    I doubt it's my all-time favorite, but off the top of my head I really liked the episode where both Mulder and Scully tell their side of the case to Director Skinner, concerning the small town vampires (featuring Luke Wilson as the sheriff, actually). The humorous vibe the episode gives off is a...
  11. Anonymous

    Just for fun: TPAM - TPBM

    TPAM: Probably my morning coffee. Really tough decision. Hell, wearing a brand new pair of socks for the first time qualifies as a decent runner up. TPBM: What's the most interesting wikipedia article you've read recently?
  12. Anonymous

    Desktop Screen Shots (OT)

  13. Anonymous

    Dream Theater- BLACK CLOUDS & SILVER LININGS Coming June 23rd

    I just re-listened to some Dream Theater and remembered that I don't like Dream Theater.
  14. Anonymous

    Gig injuries?

    I was really drunk at a Toxic Holocaust show and was headbanging so hard/imprudently that I headbutted the bass monitor, effectively splitting my forehead open and nearly knocking me out cold. Although I decided that since I was at a thrash show that it was awesome.
  15. Anonymous

    Worst gig?

    The Faceless, they were tight and stuff but they looked either too concentrated on not fucking up or just straight up looked bored/tired. No energy whatsoever. Fuck that. Cynic and Meshuggah on the other hand were so good they absolutely ruined my life.
  16. Anonymous

    The return of the "How are you today?" thread

    Fuckin A. Here's my favorite thing to wear out to lunch on sundays when all the church folk are eating: Next step would be to wear it and go to the christian food bank and see if they give me free grub :lol:
  17. Anonymous

    Own Pictures Thread

    I dare you not to chuckle at a Black Flag song.
  18. Anonymous

    Lets Talk About Random Shit Thread.

    Shit from a previous patch, I take it you don't play ladder? Man, do you guys remember the marrowwalk glitch back in 1.10? Everyone's bone necros were sooo sweet.
  19. Anonymous

    Lets Talk About Random Shit Thread.

    Well, the reason I got bored was because I got all that shit through trades. It started when I did a ton of Countess runs on hell with my IK barb and found a Vex rune. I used it to make a hoto and it turned out perfect allres% so I sold it for 4 high runes, which I made enigma using Jah+Ber and...
  20. Anonymous

    Lets Talk About Random Shit Thread.

    The fun part is striving to obtain the perfect setup, once you get it what's next? I remember the first ladder season, I played ruthlessly to get a perfect hammerdin going on. It took forever but I ended up with a perfect hoto, enigma dusk shroud, um'd shako, 197% pdiamond'd hoz, arach's...