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  1. DBB

    I made a white metal compilation.

    Interesting. I've downloaded it and it has made think about making a thematic comp of my own and posting it here and maybe some others should do the same. I've never been big on comps (buying or making), but have entertained numerous themes for a block of radio programming many times...
  2. DBB

    Second Wave of Retro-Thrash

    Sauron from your neck of the woods thrashes circles around them. But Rumpelstiltskin Grinder would be really the only band that I would consider “suspect” out of the whole batch of higher profile thrash bands that have popped up in the past few years. Over the top...
  3. DBB

    Green Carnation split because of bad tour

    Can you provide a link or cut and paste the text. I've been without the Internet for a couple of weeks and missed this. Does anyone think that there is a connection between this incident and the matters raised in the business "makeover" article? If you want to be big--you need to gamble...
  4. DBB

    Achilles, Agony and Ecstasy: Part IV

    Achilles needed the armor to avenge the death of Patroclus and single-handedly rout the Trojans and kill Hector. It is a human receiving the armor of the gods as aid and assistance—a common “occurrence” in Greek mythology where the gods meddled in human affairs directly as...
  5. DBB

    How much did this cost?
  6. DBB

    Where has Dave been?

    Interpetations of the past. There are so many angles to it that it is hard to sum up in one short statement, but the main battlefield is to prove that a political group who have been portrayed as parochial simpletons without an orginal thought in their head were profound thinkers who still...
  7. DBB

    Where has Dave been?

    I'm out here. Right now I'm on the mend from a case of food poisoning. Ate a combination burrito from a place that deals in brains and tripe and paid the price. My fucking joints and bones ached like hell from it. Came close to falling off a bicycle and not being able to make...
  8. DBB

    Burn Baby Burn! Downloading Inferno!

    GO, DOWNLOAD, and BURN! GO, DOWNLOAD, and BURN II File Downloading and Our Perverted Morals: A Rebuttal
  9. DBB

    When was the last time any of you...

    I've got to wait a couple of months to hear it... So was there a line? Have there been any reports of people pulling out their hair?
  10. DBB

    Metal festivals supporting the emerging artist

    More names can be added to the pack.
  11. DBB

    Nicknames and aliases in Heavy Metal

    You've got to be careful. There was a kid when I was growing up named C.C., but people called him Feces every once in awhile. It didn't help matters that he would get in your face and his breath could be less than fragrant. Somebody will find something to make out of your name if there is an...
  12. DBB

    Nicknames and aliases in Heavy Metal

    Man...I am going to have a lot to say about this and related issues. But people are going to have to pay good money for it. :) The most interesting aspect of the band that inspired this thread is that Blake Judd made a conscientious effort to put the Azentrius alias to rest last year when...
  13. DBB

    Fortune Small Business and... The End Records

    Fair enough. I hope they didn't kick your cane out from underneath you and beat you with it. :) Yeah...the evolution of these terms is very interesting, but a story for another day.
  14. DBB

    Fortune Small Business and... The End Records

    I think it is fair to say that Slayer is still having a profound effect on metal. The argument that metal develops in a rigid linear fashion is a bit strange to me. Some of the most complex and convoluted ideas about metal are very simplistic since they treat it as if it operates like a train...
  15. DBB

    Fortune Small Business and... The End Records

    Neither did mine. I was not using “Hot Topic” to describe Slayer’s recent affinity for Mudvayne stylings that have been submerged but not entirely effaced of late. I literally meant that they were concerned more about the profit margins of the corporation. I am also not as...
  16. DBB

    Fortune Small Business and... The End Records

    At this point, Slayer is more concerned about Hot Topic's quarterly earnings than any spirit or minor scales.
  17. DBB

    Ahhh, rants to die for.

    Blessed are the Pricks?
  18. DBB

    Never Surrender (Or Nearly Good looking)

    Hello, all. I'm already a member of UMF, so I decided to ask this question over here instead of joining the new officail forum. As I'm sure you are all aware, Biff Byford has written an Autobiography... ...and I'm wondering if anyone out there knows if it will be available for purchase...
  19. DBB

    Dawnbringer contest!

    His review of the CD is not half-bad either. It is interesting how much consternation this album has caused among reviewers. Someone does something out of the ordinary and a lot of people don't know what to make of it.