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  1. D


    Blood Fire Death it is! I was leaning more towards that one anyway 'cause I liked what I'd heard off it the best.
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    I've been listening to metal for years and still haven't picked up a full Bathory CD if you can believe it. I just have a few scattered tracks from various albums. So which one should I start with?
  3. D

    Albums of 06

    Blood Freak-Live Fast, Die Young...And Leave A Flesh Eating Corpse! Frightmare-Bringing Back The Bloodshed Agalloch-Ashes Against The Grain Ghoul-Splatterthrash Darkthrone-The Cult Is Alive
  4. D

    Do you think that an extreme metal band could ever "break"

    Uh, they are signed to Roadrunner which is a major label.
  5. D

    Post your hauls here

    I have four friends that are into metal. We are the only ones in the school though.
  6. D

    Post your hauls here

    I sent the email to Should that clear things up?
  7. D

    Death Metal Hates

    I like blast beats when they're placed tastefully which old school death metal seems to pull off well. I think blast beats throughout the entire song works in black metal and grindcore better than it does in death metal imo.
  8. D

    Post your hauls here

    I got the confirmation email so I don't think I fucked up the order. This tends to happen alot to me when I order cds. They never actually email me when my shit ships regardless of where I ordered from. Could it possibly have something to do with the cds I ordered?
  9. D

    Post your hauls here

    I live in Ohio and I didn't get the email yet. I'm pretty sure I used paypal but I'm not positive.
  10. D

    Post your hauls here

    It's been a week and one day now.
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    Death Metal Hates

    Do you mean strictly new Entombed or old Entombed? Personally I like my death metal to have minimal blast beats. It pisses me off when bands have blast beats take up an entire song.
  12. D

    Death Metal Hates

    A lot of modern death metal sounds almost mechanized. It's not as "free-flowing" and raw as old school death metal thus lacking the original spirit of the genre.
  13. D

    Post your hauls here

    Does anybody know how long takes?
  14. D

    Band Shirts?

    Ones that I still wear: Megadeth-Vic Rattlehead Metallica-logo Slayer-collage Slayer-Unholy Alliance Tour Iron Maiden-Fear of the Dark Gwar-20 years of complete fucking torment tour shirt Black Label Society-Tour shirt Emperor-In the Nightside Eclipse Led Zeppelin-United States of...
  15. D

    Your top 10 Favorite bands

    Lately (in no particular order): 1.Darkthrone 2.Grave 3.Impetigo 4.Blood Freak 5.Frightmare 6.Carcass 7.Entombed 8.Nunslaughter 9.Municipal Waste 10.Dissection
  16. D

    God damn! I spend too much money on cds.

    I see it as a challenge to try and hunt down out of print cd's. There just isn't any thrill to downloading. You download and there you have it whereas you order cd's and you have something to look forward to in the mail. Downloading just ruins the excitement imo.
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    Just get The Somberlain and Storm of the Light's Bane. You can't go wrong with those two.
  18. D

    the new LA thrash scene, does it deliver the thrash?

    Yeah but that's still placing "image over substance".
  19. D

    Jared Anderson passed away

    That's a shame. I got to meet the guy at my local Guitar Center he was pretty awesome even though I hate Hate Eternal. R.I.P.
  20. D

    Post your hauls here

    Should be expecting: Agalloch: The Mantle Blood Freak: Sleaze Merchants Blood Freak: Live Fast, Die Young...And Leave A Flesh Eating Corpse Frightmare: Midnight Murder Mania Terrorizer: World Downfall Tearstained: Monumental In Its Sorrow