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  1. Zephyrus

    The "What Are You Doing This Moment" Thread

    Sitting on the Quad at Xavier University in Cincinnati, where I got a new job this semester teaching Latin and Roman History. I think The Ozzman went here. Checking into the forum like I do every few months to see how much of the old guard are still around.
  2. Zephyrus

    The "Education" Thread

    Yeah I did my research and that's what I've heard.
  3. Zephyrus

    The "Education" Thread

    The university is in Oxford but I'm moving to Hamilton, a bit closer to Cincy. In my field there's very few job openings every year so this was the best place that gave me an offer. Assuming enrollments are stable and I don't fuck up, I'll be there for at least a couple years.
  4. Zephyrus

    The "Education" Thread

    Sup. Just took a job as a visiting assistant professor of Classics at Miami University in Ohio. Moving to the Cincinnati area next month. Nice to see some familiar faces still here.
  5. Zephyrus

    The "Education" Thread

    Update on publication prospects. I a got another acceptance, this one from the Canadian journal Phoenix. The best part is that they are ready to accept it as is without revision. However, the reviewers did provide some criticism and recommendations for minor revisions, which I'll consider...
  6. Zephyrus

    Maryland Deathfest XIV: May 26-29, 2016

    There are certainly tickets left. However, our room's potentially getting really full. I could only get a single queen bed room this time, and so far are confirmed: Jeremy John B Dan Andy P Andy P's friend Joe A And we've got Adam and his brother possibly joining, along with Andy A, who at...
  7. Zephyrus

    The "Education" Thread

    Dropping in with some good news. Over a month ago I had laid down my moderator privileges and have been on hiatus from frequenting this forum indefinitely, but I'll make an exception for this. An article I had submitted to the Journal of Late Antiquity has been accepted for publication, pending...
  8. Zephyrus

    NFL 2015

    Disciplined is not the right word. Able to recover from big mistakes and not lose heart is the virtue in mind.
  9. Zephyrus

    NFL 2015

    I saw both Manning brothers humiliated today (nice clock management, Eli). This was a good day.
  10. Zephyrus

    The Official Movie Thread

    Herzog's Nosferatu is definitely my favorite Dracula film. Though I'd say Aguirre is Kinski's best acting.
  11. Zephyrus

    NFL 2015

    This game is giving me a heart attack. Interception at the goal line hurts so much. That and Edelman getting injured.
  12. Zephyrus

    The pics thread

    He wore that shirt when he came here to interview for the Iowa English PhD program. I'm convinced it cost him his admission here.
  13. Zephyrus

    The "What Are You Doing This Moment" Thread

    I'll see you in Boston next month. ;)
  14. Zephyrus

    Males and Females

    You actually got offended by that post?
  15. Zephyrus

    NFL 2015

    Have you even seen the Patriots' schedule?
  16. Zephyrus

    NFL 2015

    The Redskins should be renamed the Washington Butterfingers. I was hoping for a more exciting game. Oh well, Pats 8-0!
  17. Zephyrus

    The "What Are You Doing This Moment" Thread

    On a related note, I'm reading a Roman medical treatise in one of my graduate seminars and we just read about surgery for fistulas. I had no idea these were a thing until now. Have any of you had one? Sounds fucking terrible.
  18. Zephyrus

    The "What Are You Doing This Moment" Thread

    I had an large abscess in my upper pubic area couple years ago. The initial removal of it was OK because they used a powerful local anesthetic, but I had to go back to the doctor a couple times so they could stuff fresh linen into the cavity that was formed by removing it. They told me to pop a...
  19. Zephyrus

    The "What Are You Doing This Moment" Thread

    I grew up in Boston so professional sports were in my face constantly. I mainly followed the Red Sox and Patriots, and still watch the Patriots, mainly because watching one game per week fits my busy schedule much better.
  20. Zephyrus

    The Alcoholism and Crippling Depression Thread

    I suppose I'll take this opportunity to make an announcement. I've been completely sober for over three months now. Since mid-July I committed myself to total abstinence from alcohol for an entire year. I had been dealing with depression since I entered grad school three years ago, and in...