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  1. livingsteele

    Best ProgpowerUSA performance of all time

    I've attended PP II through PPVIII My list: 1. Conception 2. Evergrey @ PPVII 3. Freak Kitchen @ PPVIII 4. Manticora 5. Epica Honorable mention to Orphaned Land...
  2. livingsteele

    Thank you Glenn, thank you Metalheads!

    I didn't know Primal Fear before this show. You guys were really tight and put on a great performance. I'm now a fan! Hope you guys come back to the US soon!
  3. livingsteele

    Going Alone

    I've attended PP since PPII. That year I attended with friends who copped out and wanted to leave early so I missed Kamelot. I was bummed. Since then I have attended alone. I never feel alone but I got lots of questions about it from the security guys and others this weekend. I was free to...
  4. livingsteele

    Official All-Star Jam Set Discussion

    Jediking, You are so mature and well spoken. I'm glad for you that you can see your dad work and get to have fun with him. Happy birthday (belated)!
  5. livingsteele


    A friend in Holland got me into this band recently. I'm pretty much digging them. I felt like the only fool in the place that threw up the horns and a "woohoo" when they were announced. Maybe it's just where I was standing, hehe
  6. livingsteele

    Cheers and Jeers Thread

    JEERS... Missing all the parties since I don't get a hotel room... I always drive from an hour away. Much cheaper that way. Freak Kitchen! No shirts! AGAIN! Somebody smack IA (gently) :heh: CHEERS! The guy I met just before Primal Fear's set... Mica. Thanks for the...
  7. livingsteele

    Official All-Star Jam Set Discussion

    This was sooo much fun! I can't believe all the stuff they dug out of the metal archives.... "Balls to the Wall"! Hahah nice! As always the FK guys made me laugh. I knew Kris was joking when he said he couldn't sing. Not an AC/DC fan, but with FK doing it.... I'm there baby...
  8. livingsteele

    Best Of Friday Poll

    Communic was a pleasent surprise. What a powerhouse! I have to pick Raintime though. It was nice to finally see Redemption, but it wasn't on my list of memorable experiences.
  9. livingsteele

    Thank You from the Freaks!

    You guys were THE band I looked forward to! You do not disappoint. That was the most fun I've ever had at any show. Please come back soon! :kickass: (red headed corset chic)
  10. livingsteele

    Symphony X in Atlanta-August 7th. Roll Call!

    *raises hand* I'll be there! (alone cause my guy can't make it :waah: ) But I'm so psyched for SymX. See you all there. :kickass:
  11. livingsteele

    Metal on Idol

    Hehe, I caught this awhile back and have been constantly playing his version of Perfect Strangers and Still Loving You. Kid has a good range and good taste. The attention didn't seem to go to his head at the end of the competition either. :kickass:
  12. livingsteele


    I caught that video as well and had to rewind and DVR it. I was on the couch dosing off and woke up to that song. My first time hearing Firewind. The guys aren't bad to look at either! :kickass:
  13. livingsteele

    I am profoundly sad

    Suddenly I'm hearing the words of "Amanda" ringing in my ears. This is one of the first rock bands I got into as a kid. Echoing the sentiments that this is sad news!
  14. livingsteele

    Turkish Fiasko

    Seconded. As someone else also pointed out, they played to 50 people in London. It's really hard to believe that Evergrey walked away from playing this show because of numbers. Can't we cut them some slack until we hear something else??
  15. livingsteele

    Just a few highlights from my PP VII

    Finally put together a basic site in my spare time at work. :zombie: Hope any of you photographer types will take a look and give me some ideas of what to do differently next time. :u-huh: livingsteele Here are some of the better ones: And the best one non Evergrey: :rock:
  16. livingsteele

    carrina englund

    Thanks FataMorgana! :kickass: I was beginning to think I imagined that! :goggly:
  17. livingsteele

    carrina englund

    I was thinking this was something posted like three years ago. :Saint: That's the reason I didn't bother to search for it. My memory can certainly be a bit off at times. :p Looking forward to hopefully hearing some samples from your band, Carina. :rock:
  18. livingsteele

    carrina englund

    I believe Carina once posted here some time ago that she had her own band. Without searching for the thread, I think the name of the band was Soulful. I am not sure if Tina has her own band.
  19. livingsteele

    Any chance of Kamelot returning this year?

    With the talk of no repeats I am really glad that Glenn once called himself an Evergrey fanboy. That gives me some hope that they will return maybe in a couple years. That said, I would love to see Kamelot back personally. Conception would be a dream come true (again).
  20. livingsteele

    Better late than never... My PPUSA VII photos

    Woohoo :kickass: Yours were the ones I was waiting to see! (I'm still getting mine online as I speak)