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  1. Rudas Starblaze


    agreed, but i would have listed them like this: Glorious Burden Something Wicked This Way Comes Horror Show
  2. Rudas Starblaze

    Worst Metal Bands Please.

    theres so many to choose from i dont even know where to start. but music is lot like beauty. beauty is in the eye of the beholder, music is in the ear of the beholder. what may suck to some people, may be awesome to others. i recommend making the decision for yourself as to what sucks and...
  3. Rudas Starblaze

    Lyrics of your favorite songs

    dont we have to abide by the copywrite laws here?
  4. Rudas Starblaze

    the greatest metal band ever

    Judas Priest is who i voted for. i wish it were multiple choice though. Iron Maiden is tied with Priest IMO. yeah, its too bad there couldnt have been like a million to choose from but we cant have it all huh!
  5. Rudas Starblaze


    Hmm? ive never heard of any of them except for maybe HALO (wasnt that impressed by them). are they american mainstream metal like slipnot?
  6. Rudas Starblaze

    Who Are You?

    nah, warlock just means oath breaker or one who breaks promises etc. besides, most witches that are male dont refere to themselves as warlocks. they usually refere to themselves a sorcerers, wizards, magicians witches, or simply male magical practitioner. some have even more fascinating terms...
  7. Rudas Starblaze

    Anyone likes Edguy here? New album out March 31st!

    i love Edguy! i only have one of their albums though. a girl sent it to me from Bulgeria, i sent her Iced Earth's double cd of The Glorius(sp) Burden. theres so many bands i like that i cant find around here, i have to order most of them and it ends up costing me quite a bit but worth every cent.
  8. Rudas Starblaze

    First Time You Ever Saw Jag Panzer

    i met Markus, Sasha and Andi before the show while we were in line waiting to get in and of course Markus and Sasha again after the show. im 6 foot tall and those guys towered over me! but they were way cool. Beyond the Embrace was cool to hang out with, (they are all short lol) they actually...
  9. Rudas Starblaze

    Who Are You?

    name: Rudas favorite bands: Gamma Ray, Primal Fear, Helloween, Hammerfall, Edguy, Iron Maiden, Iced Earth, Judas Priest, Jag Panzer, Impellitteri, (old) Queensryche, Seventh One, Metalium, Dream Theater, Saxon, im sure theres more. about me: guitar player for about 15 years, played...
  10. Rudas Starblaze


    im ok now, im drinking my meds! lol
  11. Rudas Starblaze


    thanx everyone! and nah, i dont have multiple personalities, but Rudas does. sometimes he goes compleatly off the wall. dont worry though, hes worse in real life. i swear, hes like Jekyll & Hyde.
  12. Rudas Starblaze

    Today is a very special day in Iron Maiden history

    happy be-lated birthday!:hotjump:
  13. Rudas Starblaze


    thanx for the warm welcome! :)
  14. Rudas Starblaze


    :wave: hi Rudas! welcome to i hope you have fun and enjoy yourself here. :rock:
  15. Rudas Starblaze

    Gamma Ray & Ion Vein - MN - May 12!

    this sucks! for the second time, Gamma Ray will be playing nowhere near me. hopefully they will do an extended tour of the US later this year and hopefully i will get to see them. :worship: :rock: GAMMA RAY:rock: :worship:
  16. Rudas Starblaze

    Can I start a thread about Gamma Ray's Majestic?

    Gamma Ray freakin rules! one of the best power metal bands in the world. and who was talking about gay vocals? Kai sure doesnt sound like he was up all night sucking dick and has...lets just say build up of gunk in his voice box making him sound all growly. some singers out there really need...
  17. Rudas Starblaze

    Bruce/ Sharon Osbourne Conflict

    ive never been to an ozzfest, and will never go to one. i cant stand ozzy all that much. i was shocked when i found out Judas Priest was playing at ozzfest, then i heard about Maiden! here all this time i thought bands didnt want better bands opening for them. oh well, kinda reminds me of...
  18. Rudas Starblaze

    First Time You Ever Saw Jag Panzer

    the first time i seen Jag Panzer was at the vic theater in chicago supporting Helloween. Beyond the Embrace was the opening show and had to play an extended set because JP was late and the rythem guitarist wasnt there for some reason. i think they only got to play like 4 songs, but impressed...
  19. Rudas Starblaze


    hey all!:wave: i just noticed this site and thought "what the hell, its a music forum, i better join!" interesting site this is, much like the other site im a member of, very much like it indeed. well, i may as well say this now...... METAL IS FOREVER!!!!