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  1. Element_man


    I'm really sad that the plug got pulled on Ragnarokkr, and so suddenly too. It's one of the highlights of my year and it kick-started so many friendships. Without Ragnarokkr, I might not have met JP and I might have never gotten Gatekeeper back up and running. Crazy shit. I was really looking...
  2. Element_man

    Ragnarokkr Main Stage 2017: BROCAS HELM

    Finally! Can't wait to see sir Wright. Maybe we can get him to do a special performance of his Marshall Amp shop commercial
  3. Element_man

    Ragnarokkr Main Stage 2017: SYRUS

    Is this the band Ray Alder used to sing for pre-Fates?
  4. Element_man

    Ragnarokkr Second Stage 2017: SUBSTRATUM

    Some of my closest friends are in this band. They fucking rule.
  5. Element_man

    Ragnarokkr 2017: who do you want to see

    Maybe some old Canuck rokkas? M-A says they are active, they apparently have one of the older Into Eternity vocalists fronting them. Dunno if they've played outside of Western Canada in decades, haha. Fun tunes tho. EDIT: Looks like they play the Prairie casino circuit still, sounds not bad...
  6. Element_man

    Ragnarokkr 2017: who do you want to see

    Ya'll probably don't want too many repeats but Q5 had a great gig in Seattle on Friday night for their new album. The record itself is pretty meh but in a live setting the songs were much better. I think Rags needs at least one super rad "party" kinda band like that every year. Last year it was...
  7. Element_man

    Blaze Bayley is coming

    Four Quebec gigs and that's it eh? Oh well
  8. Element_man

    Dirkschneider is coming

    Yeah yeah we're all impressed
  9. Element_man

    Dirkschneider is coming

    Huzzah, there is a Vancouver gig!
  10. Element_man

    Ragnarokkr 2017: who do you want to see

    Not Fragile would be tight!
  11. Element_man

    Dirkschneider is coming

    hope he does a lot from Timebomb, that album is the best
  12. Element_man

    Manowar: the final battle...the last tour

    JP called me up the instant the announcement went online. "Joey's ran out of people he can grift, man. He's grifted everyone. This is the final grift, man. We [Gatekeeper] should start working out together and then fly out and watch them and hold a viking funeral to our record collection...
  13. Element_man

    Ragnarokkr 2017: who do you want to see

    Oh yeah Ross The Boss did an amazing show at KIT this year and loads of people from NA have been sharing the videos around Facebook and the European reviews of his set were outstanding.
  14. Element_man

    Ragnarokkr 2017: who do you want to see

    Solstice Doom sword Atlantean Kodex Titan Forks Lizzy Borden Mystic Force Glacier Brocas Helm WASP Dark Quarterer Graven Rite Eternal Champion Ironsword Tales of Medusa Oblivion Knight Chalice (any of them) Syrus John Arch Black Knight Sinner Striker Tony Martin Anthem Jaguar Btw I'm ignoring...
  15. Element_man

    Best performances at the fest in 2016

    Missed a fair amount of stuff (esp. main stage on Friday) due to band matters but I was really toppled by Chalice, Wulfhook, Leather and Tygers. Jag Panzer were rad as hell but I missed a fair chunk of the set due to an important family phone call so that was a shame. Old Wolf, Lethal and Riot...
  16. Element_man

    Ragnarokkr Second Stage 2016: Hexenhammer

    I watched a couple song before heading to watch Leather. It was pretty far out, wasn't in the mood for it. Especially with that beautiful legend onstage next door
  17. Element_man

    2016 Fest Recap - Cheers and Jeers

    How do you really feel, Odin?