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  1. Schmidt_Rubin

    Oooh Yeah!

    I remember seeing this live.
  2. Schmidt_Rubin

    Nov 4 - election day - NO POLITICAL REPLIES

    I always vote, bad mojo. Everyone I vote for loses.
  3. Schmidt_Rubin

    Rock band Yes to tour with replacement singer - From a TRIBUTE BAND!

    Boston and Journey both did it. They both found singers on myspace.
  4. Schmidt_Rubin

    Happy Birthday Linda!

    Happy Birthday cutie:kickass:
  5. Schmidt_Rubin

    Check out my nephews band

    They're pretty good for a bunch of 14 year olds. Good attitude too, they love metal and won't play covers.
  6. Schmidt_Rubin

    I Saw God Tonight Again!

    We're definitely near the end of times when a band like that is declared a false prophet :)
  7. Schmidt_Rubin

    amp setting

    Without knowing what settings they use it's hard to say, I like guitarists that set the bass and treble at around 2 oclock and the midrange around 10 oclock, it'll give you a good crunchy metal tone. As far as maiden I don't know.
  8. Schmidt_Rubin

    pics from iraq and kuwait

    haha! the M240 looks taller than Wanda:)
  9. Schmidt_Rubin

    pics from iraq and kuwait

    It looks like the woman in camo is holding a Etch-a-Sketch :)
  10. Schmidt_Rubin

    Egad... Lauren Harris

    Lauren Harris wasn't bad, bad mix though as her voice wasn't heard that well. They have more of a hard rocking sound live than the studio versions I heard. Still a little light and fluffy for my tastes. Maidens sound was great so I'm not sure what the problem was for the opener, unless they...
  11. Schmidt_Rubin

    Bruce & Steve talk about the Maidens in this month's Metal Hammer!

    I'd like to see them play something different myself, Charlotte The Harlot, Prodigal Son, Still Life etc.. A friend saw the Matter of life and death tour and said there were a lot of boo's because the show was mostly new stuff, he was reluctant to go with me to the show friday but he went and...
  12. Schmidt_Rubin

    Farewell and good luck Heather!

    Good luck to Heather, and good luck to the ladies in finding a good replacement. How about Jan Kuehnemund :p
  13. Schmidt_Rubin

    OT but I hadda share this

    My guitarist has a Gibson SG that same color, nice guitars. Here's my new one:kickass:
  14. Schmidt_Rubin

    Going to see Maiden afterall

    I'm seeing them tonight, and the Boston Tweeter is sold out! The Heaven & Hell tour couldn't even do that!
  15. Schmidt_Rubin

    What's you favorite 80s band that no longer plays?

    Vinnie Moore (as a solo act)
  16. Schmidt_Rubin

    Egad... Lauren Harris

    Or lots of money :lol: I'll let everyone know how the crowd likes her, I'm seeing them Friday.
  17. Schmidt_Rubin

    Egad... Lauren Harris

    I don't think it should be at the expense of the Maiden fans. Metal bands should open for metal bands, and pop bands should open for pop bands. No disrespect to Lauren but her band doesn't fit the bill. I can see Steve trying to help out his daughter but the types that go to see Maiden live...
  18. Schmidt_Rubin

    Bring Metallicat to Cali

    Stop by Cape Cod on your way there, I'll buy you a beer and some fried clams:kickass:
  19. Schmidt_Rubin

    R.I.P. Bo Diddley

    He was pretty much a pioneer, weird shaped guitars, lots of effects, and a good attitude! RIP