Search results

  1. Jevil

    Tips or mic recomendation for my voice

    So I play in a funny/parody band in Spain. We have quite success in spite of my shitty voice, millions visits, sold out, and blabla.... I can sing, I can do it on tune, I can dub scales, but the texture and range is not suitable for metal, I'm baritone. The truth is that I can never capture the...
  2. Jevil

    Direct Amp profiling + SS Poweramp...and sell my amps?

    I've been thinking about lately about profiling my amps (direct amp), and play it through SS poweramp and 4x12 and sell my EVH and Savage. I've done a test and it is 95% accurate...without any tweaking in the profile. This is now possible with FW 3.0 (Merged profiles) Imagine having tons of...
  3. Jevil

    EVH 5150 III (Loop FX issue?)

    Preamp out does not even sound at all. Any old 5150(6505) users had the same issue about the low output signal in the fxsend?
  4. Jevil

    EVH 5150 III (Loop FX issue?)

    What would happenif I connect the Preamp Out instead of Fx Send?
  5. Jevil

    Humbucker wiring problems

    You were right Pickasso, the tab was not soldered. I thought it was internally soldered (my fault), then I blended and soldered and it works. Thanks guys.
  6. Jevil

    Humbucker wiring problems

    So the thing is that I instaled a SH6 humbucker in a guitar with just 1 pickup and 1 vol pot. Easy, right? Well the problen is that when I turn the pot down to mute the guitar it just turn down a bit of gain, no silence at all. Changed pot for another but still the same problem. Tried with...
  7. Jevil

    EVH 5150 III (Loop FX issue?)

    So I purchased an EVH5150III. I pluged my old Rocktron Intellifex in the FX Loop. I realized that there is almost no signal in the Input meter of the Rocktron. It should be near the yellow zone but it hardly flashes the first green led...and the INPUT knob in the Rocktron is at MAX!!! The FX...
  8. Jevil

    KEMPER 5153+engl e520 profiles for you

    Great tones, cant wait to try them.
  9. Jevil

    Engl Savage 120 profiles

    I did these profiles: Hope you like them.
  10. Jevil

    Kemper thorugh tube poweramp and cabinet

    I played it through Mesa 50/50 and E840/50 but the best tone was with the Savage's poweramp. The worse, the Mesa poweramp. I think I will use the Kemper mainly for studio and recordings and the Savage for live as I did in the last few years. I havent found any profile or preset that sounds...
  11. Jevil

    Kemper thorugh tube poweramp and cabinet

    My 2 cents. Cheers.
  12. Jevil

    Kemper thorugh tube poweramp and cabinet

    My 2 cents. http://youtube/KFtNVbdwqiY
  13. Jevil

    Reamping with Kemper

    I will, soon.
  14. Jevil

    Lasse Lammert Rig Pack for Kemper

    Tried on my rehearsal room with a Engl840/50 poweramp and Engl Pro cab. They sound very, very good for live playing with minor tweaking. I hope I can record some video or audio clip.
  15. Jevil

    Lasse Lammert Rig Pack for Kemper

    Yes, but it is not the same. In a profile you have preamp+poweramp+cab+mic. When turning off the Cab button it removes artificially the cab and the mic. sounds ok but not awesome. Profiling the preamp section of the amp you can play it through poweramp and cab in live situation like any other...
  16. Jevil

    Lasse Lammert Rig Pack for Kemper

    Gonna try them tomorrow.:worship: I only miss the "just preamp" profiles to play them through tube poweramp and cab.:(
  17. Jevil

    Reamping with Kemper

    I was reamping at home with my little M-Audio Profire and my Kemper succesfully when I realized that I had forgot to plug the Reambox! The signal went straight from the output of the soundcard to the Kemper's Input... The tone was ok, and everything worked perfect. It is supposed that the...
  18. Jevil

    V30/Greenback comparison

    Amazing!:eek: My band's mate has a slant Engl pro and I've got the straight one. The difference is huge, mine sounds much better, more fat, and they have the same speakers (V30). I will open both to see what is going on inside.
  19. Jevil

    Kemper Profiling Amp

    Jaymz, your EVH tones are sick! But please profile just the preamp for me!!
  20. Jevil

    Kemper Profiling Amp

    Thank you!!