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  1. Brainerd

    Two separate COYOTE Preorders are now up

    Coyote is brilliant FUCK DA HATERZ
  2. Brainerd

    New Album "Coyote", new song...

    Mia played it over the PA after they finished playing the other day. It sounded great, lots of bass harmonics and stuff, couldn't hear any guitars, interestingly... A live rendition's on Youtube right now but if you really want to hear it you'll have to look for it yourselves.
  3. Brainerd


    I saw the K-Dizzle in London last night. Sort of. Apparently Bodie got held back in customs in France, for serious. So it was basically a Tartar Lamb gig with Terran on reeds and piano, and the drummer from the first support act. It was still good though, and I bought some stuff off them...
  4. Brainerd

    so the "best of the year" lists are starting to roll out

    Top ten In order of preference: 1 Kayo Dot - 'Dowsing Anemone with Copper Tongue 2 Isis - 'In the Absence of Truth' 3 Tool - '10,000 Days' 4 Mastodon 'Blood Mountain' 5 Cayto - 'Blunderbuss' 6 The Mars Volta - 'Amputechture' 7 Sunn0)))/Boris - 'Altar' 8 Cult of Luna - 'Somewhere Along...
  5. Brainerd

    listening LYBM again

    I don't know why, but LYBM wipes the floor with Bath. Both are great, but I feel one is far better than the other. So good...
  6. Brainerd

    Hail Greg Fucking Massi!

    I only got Bath/LYBM a couple of weeks ago and was impressed by the solos ( I'm not a big fan of guitar solos), but they work well within the music, rather than just sounding like some guy noodling over the top of the track.
  7. Brainerd


    This news annoyed me quite a bit, I thought Kayo Dot had a good solid lineup now. That's quite shitty to just fuck off during a tour. Oh well. What I'd really like to see is one of the remaining members splitting up with his/herself like an amoeba, now THAT would be impressive
  8. Brainerd

    Question Regarding cover art of "Dowsing..."

    I'm so retarded, I din't even notice the writing there... It looks Latin, if that's any help at all
  9. Brainerd

    happy b-day xfer!

    Slightly belated happy birthday again from an anonymous poster! Yay!
  10. Brainerd

    Happy birthday Toby!

    Incredibly belated happy birthday
  11. Brainerd

    i just don't get wiccans at all. seriously. what the hell?

    If I could I would actually marry this thread. God bless wiccans!
  12. Brainerd

    why so many movies dedicated to dogs?

    AAAAAAAAAARGH!!!! KILL IT!!!!!! KILL IT !!!!!!!!
  13. Brainerd

    Will KD every make a video, eh?

    I know you weren't being offensive, I was just poking fun, sorry.
  14. Brainerd

    Will KD every make a video, eh?

    That's a very nice and tactful way of saying that Toby's 'kinda funny lookin' isn't it?
  15. Brainerd

    Say bye to Kayo Dot!!

    Cheerio Kayo Dot, good luck, hope nothing goes horribly wrong
  16. Brainerd

    I made Neurisican music.

    Glad to hear it
  17. Brainerd

    Will KD every make a video, eh?

    i like the bits with the mystic orbs that fly around and whatnot.
  18. Brainerd

    Will KD every make a video, eh?

    Thanks for clearing that up I was confused...
  19. Brainerd

    I made Neurisican music.

    Ha ha I actually quite enjoyed that, though, I'm a sucker for Neurisican bands that do that kind of thing well. Though obviously in about a year's time everyone's going to be as sick of them as they are the predictable post-rock bands and the 'look at us we're wacky' Locust/Daughters rip-offs...
  20. Brainerd

    Will KD every make a video, eh?

    That's a pretty fun video. But why is Toby rockin the bass?