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  1. J

    Still Life - a bad album?

    That is patently absurd. Blackwater Park couldn't eclipse my pinkie toe, let alone Still Life.
  2. J

    Remember Tomorrow (bonus track)

    Do you (or anyone) own that album? I really want to hear Opera IX's version of "Rime of the Ancient Mariner" but not quite badly enough to buy the album.
  3. J

    Best Song off Orchid

    Tough call between Twilight and Apostle... Twilight takes it.
  4. J

    Orchid and Morningrise are the worst Opeth albums.

    Yes, it's really a shame that Orchid and Morningrise aren't bland, unexceptional, overproduced pieces of shit like Blackwater Park. Tragic, even. Those albums are great because they meander, because of those abrupt transitions, because they command your attention. They may not be catchy, but...
  5. J

    Best album (again)

    A little Orchid love. Many of you simply have no idea.
  6. J

    First Opeth Purchase?

    Please, please, get Orchid or Morningrise first. The world doesn't need any more Blackwater Park fanbois.
  7. J

    Which Opeth Line-Up Do You Like Most?

    I guess I'll have to go with the lineup of Orchid/Morningrise, because of their towering superiority to the subsequent albums, but as previously mentioned, the lineup didn't really have anything to do with how good the music was, so it really isn't an answerable question.
  8. J

    What song from each album would you love to see live?

    The Apostle in Triumph The Night and the Silent Water April Ethereal Moonlapse Vertigo Blackwater Park Master's Apprentices (still waiting on the mailman) Not necessarily my favorite songs, but a lot of moments I'd like to see live.
  9. J

    Best Clean Opeth Vocals

    "The Twilight Is My Robe"
  10. J

    the BEST COVER ARTWORK thread

    Eric Johnson - Venus Isle
  11. J

    Who owns all the albums, and do remember the order you got them?

    Morningrise Orchid My Arms, Your Hearse/Still Life/Blackwater Park Deliverance
  12. J

    On Average Here, Blackwater Park Gets The Most Negative Comments - Why?

    The short answer: Blackwater Park is a highly polished bundle of mediocrity and predictability. Some rambling, potentially relevant comments: The above should certainly be absorbed with the disclaimer in mind that it applies when judging against other Opeth albums. Standing on its own, it is...
  13. J

    Thanks a lot, pal.

    Is it just me, or does seventi's avatar remind anyone else of Bill the Cat when you aren't quite looking at it?
  14. J


    If you feel that you have excellent taste: Buy Orchid or Morningrise first. If you feel that you may suffer from questionable taste: Blackwater Park instead. I just want you to be happy. [Note to whiners: This post contains at least 50% jest.]
  15. J

    Top 10 albums of 2002

    Bloodbath - Resurrection through Carnage Buckethead - Electric Tears Cadaveria - The Shadows' Madame Jerry Cantrell - Degradation Trip Nightwish - Century Child Nile - In Their Darkened Shrines Opeth - Deliverance Planet X - Live from Oz Planet X - Moon Babies Joe Satriani -...
  16. J

    deliverance really grows

    <-- "Orchid fanboy"
  17. J

    Opeth have asked you to design the Damnation Cover*

    It's a shame Anders and Johan aren't in the band anymore, I'm sure someone could have worked wonders with that top hats and tuxedos pic.
  18. J

    Is there any old Opeth fans who actually LIKE Deliverance?

    You people are spoiled fucking rotten. At least most of you know it.
  19. J

    Most overrated band listed

    Being a pioneer != Being great
  20. J

    Wow, I just recently realized how amazing Orchid is.

    Welcome to enlightenment. Enjoy your stay.