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  1. Belac

    stefan86's offtopic random retard thread - post away!

    'Member when this forum was one of the busiest forums around here? Pepperidge Farms remembers.
  2. Belac

    The Gaming Thread

    I finally played Cyberpunk 2077. I never really paid a lot of attention to the game when it was being hyped. I generally don't get hyped for games since developers have always been over-ambitious. When Cyberpunk came out and it was kind of a shit-show I didn't really notice. I knew it was...
  3. Belac

    stefan86's offtopic random retard thread - post away!

    That's a very relatable and encouraging story man, and I get the logic behind taking each day at a time. Thanks for sharing your experience. As a dude that is in the middle of recovery and maybe even doing something productive eventually, it's good to hear stuff like that.
  4. Belac

    stefan86's offtopic random retard thread - post away!

    I'm pretty much on the verge of quitting alcohol completely myself. I slowed down on all of my vices a lot, mostly because I was falling apart, but then I had a near death experience that I'm still processing. That was a pretty big wake up call. It's easier to commit to changing yourself when...
  5. Belac

    stefan86's offtopic random retard thread - post away!

    Yeah I definitely need to lay off the booze, because I don't remember removing that post.... Or posting it. Which is kind of fucked up. Deep deep depression man. I almost deleted my youtube channel and facebook accounts out of pure frustration a while back, and I've been either ignoring music...
  6. Belac

    stefan86's offtopic random retard thread - post away!

    Since I posted here drunk as fuck two nights in a row, I thought I'd check in to announce my hangover. Fuck vodka, until next time that is.
  7. Belac

    Now playing thread

    Loathe - Two Way Mirror. I might be wrong, but if Stefan hasn't heard this somehow he might shit himself. Melancholy Deftones vibes through and through.
  8. Belac

    Now playing thread

    I told you man, it's awesome! :lol: Metroidvania games for the win.
  9. Belac

    stefan86's offtopic random retard thread - post away!

    Haha, I would actually love to do that if I could. I am obviously not a fan of Deathcore overall, but fucking hell there are some amazing vocalists in the genre. Ben Deurr of Shadow of Intent is basically a top-tier Death Metal vocalist that happens to be in a Blackened Deathcore band. It...
  10. Belac

    stefan86's offtopic random retard thread - post away!

    I heard about this video but never watched it until now. It's weird but this stuff is kind of how I envision my throat when I'm doing different sounds and tones. I always had kind of a vague visual but I couldn't really explain that aspect. I can feel my vocal folds twisting from left and...
  11. Belac

    No logo change!

    Almost.. :)
  12. Belac

    Your Song Covers

    Fuckin good cover man! \m/
  13. Belac

    funny pictures thread!

    I made it after you guys posted a Desolator gig, in one pic Stefan's mouth was wide open and he was looking almost straight up. Reminded me of the big mouth fish from Mario Bros 3. Now it's lost to the sands of time.
  14. Belac

    funny pictures thread!

    Long ago there was the legend of the Stefan-Fish.... But I lost all evidence of its existence. Some day I hope someone will find it again. :)
  15. Belac


  16. Belac

    stefan86's offtopic random retard thread - post away!

    Oh man, that timing couldn't have been worse. I was never a big COB fan, their style and sound never really appealed to me, but I dug a couple songs back when I was getting into more extreme metal. Solid guitarist though.
  17. Belac

    Your Song Covers

    Because why not? Pretty demanding song.
  18. Belac

    stefan86's offtopic random retard thread - post away!

    What in the fuck is going on with Poland? It's like a spin-off of US politics with deeper roots.
  19. Belac

    Movies/series thread

    I finally watched the Witcher. I intentionally chose to ignore posts on this board because I knew there would be weird and irrational hate no matter what. So without giving a shit about anyone else's thoughts, having never read the books and only playing the first game (I plan to play the rest...