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  1. lord667

    The Thread Where You Talk About Music You Like

    1349's "Beyond The Apocalypse", from 2004. Almost everything is right about it. The drums drive everything along forcefully without ever burying the music in annoying blast-for-blast's-sake, the guitars are near-perfectly produced - a wall of sound when tremolo-strumming but allowing the lead...
  2. lord667

    The most overrated metal bands.

    OK, so I was a bit wrong about Primordial. I got "Spirit The Earth Aflame", and on first listen, the vocals are better, except for the title track (camp as a row of tents), as is the music. Still not brilliant, but solid B-list stuff. J is in my base killing my d00ds :(
  3. lord667

    The most overrated metal bands.

    I have to agree on Primordial. I bought "Gathering Wilderness" after it got Album Of The Month in Terrorizer and I was disappointed. I gave it a few spins over about a month to see if it would grow on me but it didn't. The music was reasonable, sometimes good, never great, and the vocals were...
  4. lord667


    Well, I'm guessing that they didn't see things that way. Most 14-year-olds don't, and if they do, they only believe it intellectually, as a crutch to help them cope with being alienated outcasts. It takes a mature, self-reliant adult to actually live life according to this codex. I guarantee...
  5. lord667

    Tetragrammatical Astygmata

    Nothing wrong with it, but isn't it a waste of your time? Everyone here seems pretty well decided on whether or not they like
  6. lord667

    Tetragrammatical Astygmata

    The whole review talks about the music. Here's some quotes from it that you may have missed: "With the latest album from Averse Sefira, the Texan band have sidestepped the temptation to make a "new" form of black metal, and have instead returned it to the primitive hybrid state from which...
  7. lord667

    What is "Nu-Metal"??????

    You're right, they're wrong, and you're all wasting your time. Nu-metal is on its deathbed. The big brand names like Slipknot are desperately sucking the last drops of golden semen from the great corporate cock, and then nu-metal will be gone. Say Hallelujah.
  8. lord667

    Hell yeah!

    I like that glove, with the mommy pentagram and the little baby pentagram. The logo on the top right says "Sin Burger".
  9. lord667

    As I Lay Dying?

    Yeah. They should say "breakdown" and then have a bass solo. Or maybe just finish the song. That would be good. The band come out on stage, the singer says "Breakdown!" and then they all walk off again without playing a note. Repeat for 30 minutes, then go home.
  10. lord667

    Mortician, anyone?

    Listen to Mortician for five minutes every now and then, perhaps as a sorbet to clear the palate in the middle of a folk-metal marathon, and they sound cool. Sit down and listen to them for two hours and you will start to wonder what the hell you're doing with your life.
  11. lord667

    Vocal timbre

    Yes, I like that sort of timbre too. When it comes to growl vocals, one of my favourites is the singer from Coffin Texts. His voice has a sort of airy and a little bit dusty tone which is much more effective for me than standard death growling. Lee Dorrian's Cathedral vocals are another...
  12. lord667

    the bands you hate the most

    Yeah right. Also, you shouldn't criticise George Bush until you've been President of America.
  13. lord667

    the bands you hate the most

    In Flames, and I don't just mean the recent stuff. They didn't "become" shit, they just stopped playing one style badly in order to suck at another. Nine Inch Nails. Yes, easy target, but for Christ's sake...who the hell told Trent Reznor he could sing? Most bands who have a name which...
  14. lord667

    Cirith Ungol vs. Led Zeppelin?

    Led Zeppelin.
  15. lord667

    Morbid Angel lyrics

    Trey is more sort of your general spiritualist-occultist. He's talked about how "Formulas..." is based on the Kabbalah, for example, and there's a link to Deepak Chopra's website on
  16. lord667

    Morbid Angel lyrics

    It's supposed to be some kind of demon-summoning ritual. Ninnghizidda is the name of a demon from somewhere or other, I'm not sure of the exact details.
  17. lord667

    Prog and Power

    "Power metal" is strictly about "power", in this sense not aggressiveness but speed, unbridled enthusiasm and uplifting emotive energy, often expressed through fantastic (not to say "Dungeons And Dragons-ish") themes, since they allow for the kind of absurdly exaggerated heroic stylings that...
  18. lord667

    My home-made metal fan RPG!!!

    Do the angels provide you with a Cd-Walkman when you get there, then?
  19. lord667

    System of a Down use Emperor riff

    I like SOAD but I hate their latest video. Guys in black riot gear with TV faces displaying messages like "BUY" and "GOD" crashing a party and enslaving the minds of teenagers? Does that REALLY happen? Or is it just, and this is only a suggestion, baseless anti-Establishment propaganda designed...