Search results

  1. Lupskalla

    Vintersorg live?

    Yesss, Vintersorg, play live!!! :worship: At least one show in Sweden (so you don't need to leave your family and job for so long time)!!! Pleaseeee, and send a message with many months in advance so people in other countries could have time to save money and plan their trips to Stockholm...
  2. Lupskalla

    Men prata svenska för fan!

    Tjenaaaaaa allihopa :D Det var längesen att jag kollade forumet, fan, det känns som att jag har missat en helt del:P haha! Joooo, jag tycker att vi också borde öva norska här eftersom jag håller på att lära mig norska :D Heja heja Norge :muahaha: Jag hann inte läsa allt men vad hände med...
  3. Lupskalla

    The 'geek/nerd/anime/comics/etc.' thread

    Awww, this thread is cool, about anime, comics, etc. :) I love Saint Seiya a looooot, it's just awesome! My favorites are the lovely twins, Saga & Kanon, hehe :loco: I also like Sailor Moon :blush: and Candy Candy (I guess Candy is a little bit more for girls, hehe :Saint:) Cheers to...
  4. Lupskalla

    U.S. Tour???

    I want a DVD too :D
  5. Lupskalla

    Own Pictures Thread

    Cool pic of you two :) nice couple! Your girlfriend/fiancée has beautiful hair : )
  6. Lupskalla

    The tattoo-thread

    Thanks : ) Cool that you liked it :) I got a tattoo of Odin because I have always been fascinated by him, I just love nordic mythology and my favorite god is Odin, he's just great :P so I could say that I have a strong connection to him!!! Cool that you also liked the tattoo hehe :P The...
  7. Lupskalla

    The tattoo-thread

    Just wanted to share pics of my first tattoo, Odin :) I got it a week ago :D and I'm very happy with the results :P PS. Try to don't see my face please (haha) I looked afraid... but I wasn't :P
  8. Lupskalla

    Musicians of this forum

    Just wanted to say if someone is interested in listening to my band, this is the link :) Cheers :)
  9. Lupskalla

    Some Borky -videos & pics- that I found :)

    Hahaha :p that's funny, hehe : ) I perfectly understand you, sometimes it's better to keep your opinions for yourself if you don't wanna get in trouble :ill:
  10. Lupskalla

    Own Pictures Thread

    * Naglfar: Hehe, you look almost the same in your recent pics :p nice! And thanks for your words :) you're so nice : ) * Lefay: Yes, I have red hair now but maybe I will be dark hairy again, it's so expensive to keep a good red color every month :( And talking about cool & beautiful hair...
  11. Lupskalla

    Some Borky -videos & pics- that I found :)

    Glad that you liked the pics :) :) :) *** Yep, you always write things to make threads funnier : ) and that is just cool :p Hehehe, I knew that you & Elvina would love the belly-pics, haha! You two, such a naughty girls, haha :lol: I prefer him with long long long hair & beard...
  12. Lupskalla

    Own Pictures Thread

    Me with black hair : ) hihihi...
  13. Lupskalla

    Own Pictures Thread

    Nice to meet you : ) you look like I thought, hehe :p
  14. Lupskalla

    Some Borky -videos & pics- that I found :)

    Hey! I just found (in my computer) the videos & pics that I took in Oslo (Nov 2008) when Borknagar played :) Hope you like them... Cheers!!! :p
  15. Lupskalla

    Some Borky -videos & pics- that I found :)

    Hey! I just found (in my computer) the videos & pics that I took in Oslo (Nov 2008) when Borknagar played :) I thought people would like to see them here : ) but I will also share them on Borknagar's forum! Cheers!!! :p Photos:
  16. Lupskalla

    A Question for Mr. V

    Hihihi ok : ) I cannot find the image that I used :/ I guess because it was an old one from the school (when I didn't use internet, haha) but this image: is pretty much like the face that I drew, just that he got crazier eyes in my drawing, haha!
  17. Lupskalla

    The bar has been set

    Wow, so fucking cool bar!!!
  18. Lupskalla

    New Borknagar and Mr. V

    Oh, I came late to discuss about the new album, haha, but good to know that everybody is friends with everybody again :) I need to listen to the album more times to give my full opinion I guess, but by now, I like it :p The only thing I don't like is the cover art :/ even if it contains...
  19. Lupskalla

    A Question for Mr. V

    Very cool to know that you like Descartes, he was just great! I drew him (like 7 years ago) because I have always been in love with his investigations & stuff! I used to read a lot about Newton but there was (always) something that I didn't really like in him, then when I read that Descartes...
  20. Lupskalla

    Happy New Year!!

    Happy New Year 2010 to you too :) Wish you the best!!!