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  1. Russtopher

    Need a short piano track recorded

    Any keyboard players here with the ability to record that might be able to help me out in a pinch? Here's the situation - earlier this year, my grandmother found sheet music with the piano notation and main vocal melody of a song my great-grandfather wrote and copyrighted in 1933. She's never...
  2. Russtopher

    OK which one of you guys wrote this troll post on CL?

    As soon as I started reading that, I thought "man this sounds like something someone on the Sneap forum would post just to vent after dealing with another shitty local band." :)
  3. Russtopher

    OK which one of you guys wrote this troll post on CL? Seriously, this HAS to be a troll post. I can't make myself believe that a band could be this delusional. Even though I know that most of them are.
  4. Russtopher

    FS: Slate VBC

    PRICE DROP - $125 for the VBC license.
  5. Russtopher

    FS: Slate VBC

  6. Russtopher

    Dream Theater - The Enemy Inside

    The more I listen to that song, the more it feels like they said "hey let's make a song that mashes up 'Close To The Edge' era Yes and 'Hemispheres' era Rush, but none of the sections are going to fit together!" The rest of the album I *really* like, but Illumination Theory just feels like...
  7. Russtopher

    Dream Theater - The Enemy Inside

    Really liking it. It's so much better than the wannabe heavy stuff they were doing towards the end of Portnoy's tenure. Definitely a throwback to the earlier more melodic DT sound, which I can definitely get behind.
  8. Russtopher

    ITT we post funny pictures...

    Don't remember if this was posted in this epic thread - I'm sure it has, but it's always great to go back and revisit. Rock and Roll Confidential's Hall of Douchebags If you've never seen this ginormous pic thread before, make sure to clear 2-3 hours from your schedule.
  9. Russtopher

    My daughter's bday (for those who may concern)

    Best post I'll read on any board today!
  10. Russtopher

    Best replacement for LeCab?

    Another vote for Recabinet. As soon as I downloaded that and listened, I knew I'd most likely never touch LeCab or KeFir again. I've imported IRs in, but I almost always go back to the stock cabinets and tweak from there. They need very little EQ to sit well in the mix I've noticed.
  11. Russtopher

    The Winery Dogs (Kotzen, Portnoy, Sheehan)

    It's not bad... but for recent "supergroups" I'm digging Pinnick Gales Pridgen a lot more.
  12. Russtopher

    Coheed and Cambria

    Yeah, for me, it doesn't get any better than In Keeping Secrets. I fell in love with that album after hearing maybe the first 5 minutes of it. "The Light and the Glass" is such an amazing song.
  13. Russtopher

    Tone-Clone #2 is up! How to get Evergrey guitar tone (Tutorial)

    Which era King's X? Honestly I'd love both Ty's early tone from Gretchen, or the much heavier Dogman tone - but Ty's early tone is still fantastic.
  14. Russtopher

    Bass sound issues

    What's worked for me in the past is doing the usual "split the bass into two tracks method" - 1 low bass that just the DI squashed to hell and EQ'd, and then a grit track that's run through BOD. I put an ampsim on the bus track, followed by the cab sim - Ignite's SHB-1 works really well with...
  15. Russtopher

    What's your favourite gayest music ?

    In no way, shape, or form is listening to Reign of Kindo gay.
  16. Russtopher

    What's your favourite gayest music ?

    I'm a huge fan of musicals. Miss Saigon, Les Mis, Rent, Phantom, Evita, and classics like Oliver, South Pacific, Anything Goes, etc.
  17. Russtopher

    Have you used these cymbals? and overhead suggestions

    AAX cymbals are fine, I've used them live and recorded for years with no issues. I will say, though, that the AAX Stage hats can sound a little "clanky", for lack of a better phrase. For me, I'm with MatrixClaw - nothing can top a pair of Zildjian New Beats. I also agree on the comment about...
  18. Russtopher

    TESSERACT - Altered State album stream

    I think I've found the album that's going to knock Pinnick Gales Pridgen off of the top of my "new albums I'm playing non-stop" list.
  19. Russtopher

    NHL playoffs 2013 thread!

    They most likely will. The Bruins are pulling their usual disappearing act. I'm expecting another 3-1 blown series lead like against the Flyers a few years back. No one's scoring, the powerplay sucks (has for years), Julien refuses to swap his lines around, and the defense is hurting. Reimer...
  20. Russtopher

    Taking up guitar really is worth it!!!

    It sure doesn't apply to all stringed instruments though; I bought a cheap mandolin on a lark, within 1 hour of taking it out of it's box my wife banned me from playing it while she was home ever again! :lol: