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  1. FTD

    Iced Earth's Jon Schaffer's new solo project - Sons of Liberty

    I think my biggest complaint is that the highest quality audio you can buy for this is 256kbps mp3s. I was hoping for lossless, or at least v0 compression. Aside from that, it's pretty solid musically. Digging it more than Crucible of Man, at least. Trying to keep my political views from...
  2. FTD

    Katagory V pre-production complete, Marc Hanson re-joins the band

    Great news. I can't wait to hear what they put out.
  3. FTD

    Classic Rock Magazine's "150 Albums...

    Glad to see The Ruts got their props in the punk section.
  4. FTD

    PP USA XI Sponsors

    I try to forget that one :P
  5. FTD

    King Diamond re-issues

    I can dig it. Pretty much anything King is involved with is gold in my eyes.
  6. FTD


    Very cool.
  7. FTD

    Did anyone else get sick?

    I'm feeling it pretty bad today, yeah. But at least it's not as bad as it was yesterday!
  8. FTD

    How was the FUTURE'S END set?

    I'm sad that I wasn't able to attend the showcase. I've listened to the disc a good 3 or 4 times since the festival and it gets better with every play.
  9. FTD

    ProgPower USA X: Official DVD

    Excellent news. Dunno if it'll be in my budget to pre-order at the festival, but I'll definitely be placing a pre-order online once I have the funds.
  10. FTD

    Posters and Name tags...

    I barely post, but whatevs. I like meeting new people. It was between this pic and a pic of the night where a friend and I went down a Slip N' Slide wit KISS makeup, but I figure this one is better since I ain't gonna be wearing Gene Simmons makeup at the festival.
  11. FTD

    Jeff Lords WILL perform with Crimson Glory!

    Awesome news! (Also, on a slightly-related note, the ProgPower Twitter was an awesome idea. I like finding out about this kind of stuff swiftly. I probably wouldn't have seen this post without it.)
  12. FTD

    Travel Arrangements for ProgPower X

    Leaving late Thursday night, driving down I-75 for about 12 hours, arriving on Friday. Should be a fun drive.
  13. FTD

    Christian Metal

    This sums it up pretty perfectly for me. I'm ever-so-slightly anti-religion, but I loves me some Christian metal from time to time. No way I'm gonna turn away good music just because it doesn't mesh with my beliefs. A few favorites: Homesick For Heaven Horde Trouble I've been meaning...
  14. FTD

    What's your first concert of 2009?

    Unless there is a change in plans, it'll be Skeletonwitch on Feb. 7th.
  15. FTD

    YOUR FAVORITE CD'S OF 2008?....

    I'm still working out a list in my head, but this is what I have so far: Cynic - Traced In Air Enslaved - Vertebrae Gojira - The Way Of All Flesh Earth - The Bees Made Honey in the Lion's Skull Amon Amarth - Twilight Of The Thunder God Jex Thoth - Jex Thoth Ayreon - 01011001 MC...
  16. FTD

    Iced Earth Detroit report.... FIX YOUR BROKEN CRAP!!!

    Harpos is almost always crap. At least I don't regret missing this one.
  17. FTD

    Lowest attendance at a show you've been to?

    Caught the Death By Decibels tour (Vader, Malevolent Creation, Cattle Decapitation, Abigail Williams, Light This City, and Veil of Maya [Who didn't end up showing]) last night up in Detroit. There couldn't have been more than 100 people in the venue, and it seemed like there weren't more than...
  18. FTD

    Perspective on the new roster

    I think Elvenking and Iron Saviour alone sealed the deal for me. Hearing who the headliners are will just be icing on the cake. I looked up Volbeat after I got back on Sunday, and I'm really digging them thus far. I'm looking forward to hearing what Riverside sounds like as well, I've heard...
  19. FTD

    The Offical "I'm new here" thread

    I've been kinda browin' the forums since April or May, but I've finally decided to go ahead and register. This year was my first ProgPower, and it was a complete blast. I can't wait for next year (But first I need to find a kilt...).