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  1. D

    Lyrics for 'Pieces'

    Hello. I´m sure someone asked for the lyrics to the hidden song Pieces of off Volume 8 allready. Does anyone have them? or a URL to any website with them?:confused: //Tom
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    I´ve been on your site with my old computer and downloaded some live songs...they ROCK:rock: Fuck man, you´re site works but not the mp3´ update the site, pleaaase...I really want those mp3´s:) //Tom
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    Has anyone got any mp3´s of Anthrax where John Bush is singing the 80´s songs?? Or even better, a URL to a website with that stuff:confused: :) //Tom
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    VOLUME 8 - The Threat is Real

    I bought this album today and I must say, I´m not a big fan of new Anthrax....Stomp 442 had some good tunes on it but it doesn´t come close to VOLUME 8!!:rock: I´ve heard everything before volume 8 and this is probably the best thing since State of Euphoria!!! This fuckin masterpeace is...
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    Favorite Simpsons quotes!

    I have many favourite quotes but nothing beats: Homer: DOUH!!!!:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
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    Yeah, fuckin S.O.D. rips, man:rock: I like Billy Milano....and I think it´s kinda wrong to call him a fat ass....yeah he´s fat but haven´t anyone seen the Speak English Or Live DVD?? He´s fuckin muscular too. Monster sholders and fuckin big calfs.. Yes he has gain in weight after that but...
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    brutal truth

    Brutal Truth is fuckin awsome!!:) Danny Lilker´s the man!!!!!:rock: Yeah they did break up a few years ago...I don´t know the reason why but they did. Maybe they realized they did more pot than music.:lol: :lol: :lol:
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    Homegrown Recording Musicians

    I play guitar in a melodic death metal band called Suicidal Seduction. We will record a demo soon....I´ll put up some mp3´s then METAL!!!!!!!!!!
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    You name the new Anthrax record

    How about calling the album just "ANTHRAX"??? They haven´t got any album that´s called that.:)
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    OFFICIAL ANTHRAX BIZ: What would you guys like to see in the inlay of the new album?

    WE WANT Scott's liner notes!!!!!!!!:rock::rock: and pictures from diffrent eras.. :rock::rock:
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    OFFICIAL ANTHRAX BIZ: What would you guys like to see in the inlay of the new album?

    I think it´s cool to have the lyrics but also ALOT of pics and SURE AS HELL multimedia extras please:) And in a BOOKLET not a fold out. okey,okey I give up...throw in a notman papperdoll too..:lol: :lol: :lol: why not make it a big BOX!!:confused: :) ps. Sott!!! YOU´RE THE MAN...
  12. D

    Check this out on DAN spitz!!

    HELL YEAH!!!:rock::rock::rock::rock This I´ve been waiting for for 7 years!!!:rock: I can´t fuckin wait!!!! DAN SPITZ ROCKS !! :rock::rock::rock::rock::rock::rock::rock::rock::rock::rock:
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    You name the new Anthrax record

    How about: "We like blowjobs" :lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol:
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    Are You All From The States?

    Hey 18/Male/Sweden fuck yeah!!! Anyone heard of Carnal Forge?? :rock::rock::rock::rock::rock:
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    Hello Dan Just wanted to say you where great at Sommarrocken yesterday(Saturday 1 of June). I watched you in the frontrow and you rocked!! :rock: Sincerly: Tommy
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    Danny Lilker is a class act!!!!!!!!

    Hello You´re more than welcome to explain why you hate Scott and Charlie so much!:) I think S.O.D. rocks, and Scott and Charlie where cool in the 80´s and early 90´s...:D
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    ANYONE?? I really need the lyrics for that song..... would be glad if anyone could send an URL or write ´em doen here. "STAY OLD SCHOOL, GON´T GET NU-METAL" :)
  18. D

    The last night of the Pantera/Anthrax tour: 02/05/98 Rockford, IL: metrocenter:

    Any chance you could copy that tape and send it to me in Sweden??:rolleyes: :rolleyes: :) :rolleyes:
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    Hey Anyone know the lyrics for the S.O.D. song Ram It Up from the Speak English Or Die lp?+:confused:
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    What kind of guitar to buy?

    If you want a guitar under 600$ then I should suggest a Charvel. it´s the Jackson Companyin who builds them and there alot like Jackson...great guitars. Esp and Ibanez are great too...but most of the good sounding guitars cost more than 600 bucks