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    Turning Season Within

    Oops, i forgot what forum I was posting in. Should have realised i'd get that reaction! I'm a big girlie-girl and i like Nightwish (with Tarja).
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    Turning Season Within

    You can't stand Nightwish (with Tarja ofc)? While their male vox suck in some of their earlier songs, their male vocals arent that common and they do sort it out later on and i feel they deserve SOME credit for producing some good tracks with male and female vocals.
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    The Old Katatonia

    I prefere the newer stuff. The old stuff is definately very good, but I dont think it has such a unique sound as some of the newer songs. There is a lot of black metal out there, and while the newer stuff may be far more mainstream, i think few bands capture feelings of hopelessness, emptyness...
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    Gamers Thread

    I never really liked NWN. Never really got into Oblivion... Since i played Baldur's Gate and Counter-Strike 1.6, all other games seem weak in comparison. Which is strange, because CS 1.6 is SOOOO flawed...But i loved it anyway. BG is perfection incarnate, however.
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    The great and all powerful religion thread!

    I didn't think that mattered. As long as he has (true) faith in god he is forgiven 'by the grace of god'. So he can touch as many little boys as he likes.
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    How bad was it?

    This thread makes me wince. I've never really hurt myself other than slicing my hands open a few times. I feel i'm kinda letting you guys down, but then, i'm glad.
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    The "What Are You Doing This Moment" Thread

    Working my fucking ass off. Couldn't wait to get home. Now am home, don't know what to do. Bah. All work and no play.... Last weekend was awesome, now i cant wait for the next one.
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    How easily do you get drunk?

    I think it depends on how much ive drunk the night before. If i do multiple nights out back to back, i find it MUCH harder to get drunk on subsequent nights out. Also depends what ridiculous things i drink. Due to my british heritage, and our hardcore drinking culture, particularly among...
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    The great and all powerful religion thread!

    To be fair, if you read the wrong bits of the Bible, it tells you to kill anyone who believes in 'false gods'. Who needs your own basis for morality when a book tells you what to do?
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    And how many girls do you know that use IRC?
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    post your pic.....

    Run for your life. Or you won't be able to walk...
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    NOW PLAYING thread

    Helloween - As Long As I Fall
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    Getting my friends to use IRC is pretty much not going to happen.
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    Facebook is very useful for organising parties. Its not better than a forum for this, but because all my friends use it, any changes/messages will actually get read. The applications are rubbish, i hate them. I do have one or two installed though : / iLike for example. Myspace is for emos! Boo...
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    The Hate Thread

    I love UK speeding. On our motorways you can easily get away with 85, and many people do 90-95 for significant stretches of road... Oh wait...wrong thread. Er...I hate how much petrol my car gets through when i blaze down the M4 at 95mph.
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    The Hate Thread

    I hate people that lie, appologise for lying when I call them on it, then carry on lying. I hate people too pathetic to sort their own lives out (when all they have to do is get off their fat arses). I hate McDonalds and Burger King. I hate people that drive or walk to damn slow. I hate boring...
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    The pics thread

    You are too trusting. I'm pretty sure Ozzman works for the government, and he's infiltrating this forum using a false identity.
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    The "What Are You Doing This Moment" Thread

    I am expunging my personal information from the internet. I just realised how much there actually was...and it frightened me.
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    Female Rants

    No way. Let me clarify. I mean proper gothic style - flowing dresses etc. No corpse paint... And whatever Kil posted...isnt what i mean. Nevermind!
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    What's the worst thing you've ever done

    They sound like emos to me. Why would you want to date an emo anyway? And secondly, how did you go to primary school and then high school? Not many high schools in angleterre...