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  1. L

    Final Destination 2 scared the shit out of me

    not j00! i rike you ;)
  2. L

    Final Destination 2 scared the shit out of me

    it showed this one guy getting sliced apart into several peices by barbed wire as well then the organs sliding out YES! its like the number 2 movie in your country or something desensitizing us to gore, therefore war so we can kill those.. im not political i hate people who...
  3. L

    Final Destination 2 scared the shit out of me

    yeah TWICE impaled and one decapitation in a elevator gross!
  4. L

    Final Destination 2 scared the shit out of me

    I did NOT want to drive back home after I SAW that MOVIE. Oh my GOD. A pileup and whats with all the people getting IMPALED through the HEAD? uggggggggggggghhhhh it scared the shit out of me for a long long time everywhere i go, i see pileup pileup pileup and my magled body...
  5. L

    Stephen King fans?

    i read that book all of it i liked the one about the hotel room and the numbers.. the man in the black suit was my favorite though he eats the fish and that breath
  6. L

    guy dies of overdose- live on webcam

    this shit is real cyber shit people really die clown in an iron lung muahahahahah~*~!~!
  7. L

    guy dies of overdose- live on webcam

    yea, it hurt my heart to read all that stuff a lot a lot
  8. L

    guy dies of overdose- live on webcam

    thought you guys might want to read this why i dont know but just so you can see how out of control things can get just like _that_
  9. L

    guy dies of overdose- live on webcam

    Folks who spend a lot of time online know about that weird line in the sand between internet and reality. When does an online stalker become a real threat? When does an e-mail flirtation become a real prospect? And when does some online person's drug use go from an abstraction to a deadly...
  10. L

    Masturbate For Peace

    in case u forgot your stupid too black list
  11. L

    Masturbate For Peace

    ya Stupid.
  12. L

    Masturbate For Peace

  13. L

    Masturbate For Peace

    i did that this morning first thing not even out of the bed yet kittens are evil therefore wanking creates world peace and makes the world a safer place ive delivered someone from evil and shot a big thick cumload
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    Masturbate For Peace

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    Masturbate For Peace

  16. L

    Masturbate For Peace

    With you on that, pancakes. your favorite? i cant do my part till next week sometime my fuckbuddy.. i promised :( :cry: ill do it next week though alot alot :p
  17. L

    What movie is this picture from?

    you overuse this way too much: :err: so ill let you keep using that if you let me keep using 2 as a word werd?
  18. L

    I am not trying to seduce you

    proud of what you fuck? fuck you cuntface. i dont even know you. again, in case you didnt comprehend, fuck off
  19. L

    whats the exoticest place youve ever been 2?

    yea well i live in canada so.. maybe i live on the ugly side?
  20. L

    whats the exoticest place youve ever been 2?

    :: plays with your hair :: :: a strand falls away :: :: thinks thats strange but keeps the fingers in the pie :: <hr> Canada isnt NOT fucking exotic i can tell ya that much lol