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  1. TheDriller

    Are there any cool Mac indie games . . .

    Kentucky Route Zero
  2. TheDriller

    Registering Domain Names

    I've had good experiences with . Also, beware that sites hosted behind a domestic IP may not be indexable by google. And in any case you'll need to either get a static IP from your provider or deal with some sort of dynamic dns setup. I've hosted a toy site on my home computer...
  3. TheDriller

    Are you afraid in a ladder ?

    Fuck this, I'm out of here... *climbs off the planet*
  4. TheDriller

    Cradle of Filth - The Manticore and Other Horrors (2012)

    Funnily enough I was just listening to Damnation And A Day for the first time in about 5 years, still an absolute beast of a record. Not sure about this new stuff though, I lost interest completely around the time of Thornography and haven't kept up.
  5. TheDriller

    Time Tracking and Project Management, How do YOU do it?

    Ha, thanks, I totally missed that! To explain, I've had the domain pointing at a Sidengo landing page for a while, with the actual test server at a different domain. It seems Sidengo have changed their terms of service recently and I need to upgrade it. oh well, that...
  6. TheDriller

    Is the majority using 7 strings guitars here ?

    I'm traditional, 6 strings tuned to E standard. Spent years fucking around in various other tunings and none of it ever really stuck with me.
  7. TheDriller

    Time Tracking and Project Management, How do YOU do it?

    Quick update, Work is progressing at a nice pace and a lot of small niggles are being ironed out. When the application gets to a more polished state I will begin a new phase of testing, less focused on the technical testing and more focused on "Customer Testing", getting the application into...
  8. TheDriller

    What albums do you think are perfect in every way?

    More fuel: Conan - "Monnos" The Antlers - "Hospice" Altar Of Plagues - "Mammal" Elbow - "The Seldom Seen Kid" The National - "High Violet" Sufjan Stevens - "Come on feel the Illinoise"
  9. TheDriller

    Your random annoyance of the day

    Spent the whole morning installing, upgrading and generally fucking around with Windows development tools, rather than, you know, actually doing any development. Hours (and tens of Gigabytes) later and i'm still at it and nowhere near even getting started with my original objective. The only...
  10. TheDriller

    What do you do in real life beside music/studio stuff ?

    Software Developer. C#/.NET/Silverlight at the day job, Ruby and Clojure after-hours.
  11. TheDriller

    RIP Neil Armstrong

    smartass ;)
  12. TheDriller

    RIP Neil Armstrong

    RIP Also, fun fact of the day, that's not Neil Armstrong in the picture, it's Buzz Aldrin. Armstrong is holding the camera.
  13. TheDriller

    Moon Landing Conspiracy

    Anyone who believes that the moon-landing never happened is invited to kill themselves, in order to spare us their tainted genetic legacy.
  14. TheDriller

    Can't think of a good studio/production services name!!

    I used to call mine "Cast Iron Audio" back in the day, I haven't used it in years, and the domain is available, you should grab it asap
  15. TheDriller

    Black Metal - Vocalist wanted

    Also very good :) Thanks for taking the time to track that. You've got a strong character in those vocals. I reckon Moschke absolutely nailed the vibe though, I've shown his take to a handful of people and the consensus is universally positive.
  16. TheDriller

    Black Metal - Vocalist wanted

    HOLY FUCKING SHIT I love it! :yow: You've got a great vocal tone, I'd be very interested in hearing a full take, PM me and we can talk more about it :)
  17. TheDriller

    WTF happened to Dave Mustaine?

    What a Dope.
  18. TheDriller

    Black Metal - Vocalist wanted

    That would be great :) When I was writing the music I had A combination of Drudkh, Burzum, Deathspell Omega, Blut Aus Nord and Ondskapt in mind. If I had to pick two of those, I'd say somewhere between Drudkh and DsO. Some of my favourite ever BM vocal performances:
  19. TheDriller

    Anyone know how to make this kind of contact form for a website?

    I absolutely hate that mailto shit, especially given that no-one uses native email clients these days, a click on one of those links just leads to frustration when Outlook chokes itself trying to start up.
  20. TheDriller

    Black Metal - Vocalist wanted

    Bump, any interest?