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    About time we gave some signs of life. We have much news to bear. As is often the case with 'news', some of it is good, and some of it less good. The less good news, as some of you may have gathered, is that we have put To-Mera on ice for the time being. Essentially, now is the time for...
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    "Exile" out now!

    For those of you who haven't already pre-ordered, you can stream and download the album from or buy a beautiful limited edition Digipak from our website!
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    "Exile" video teaser now online. Pre-orders open!

    Glad it made it in one piece!
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    "Exile" video teaser now online. Pre-orders open!

    Niets te danken! ;)
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    New To-Mera Album 'Exile' - video sampler now streaming!

    Here is the video teaser for "Exile". Hope you like it: We're making a limited number of Digipaks available for pre-order on our new website: http://www/ (check out our new T-Shirt while you're there ). If you order now you will receive the CD...
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    "Exile" video teaser now online. Pre-orders open!

    Here is the video teaser for "Exile". Hope you like it: We're making a limited number of Digipaks available for pre-order on our new website: http://www/ (check out our new T-Shirt while you're there ;)). If you order now you will receive the CD...
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    possible US tour in support of new album?

    Hi there. Thanks for the interest. These things are always possible pending the right financial arrangements. However, it is becoming more and more expensive to tour abroad (costs of travel etc.), and so it would really depend on whether there were promoters willing to take the risk of putting...
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    Album number 3

    .... now has a name. And that name is: "Exile".
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    Marcela Bovio (Stream of Passion) recording a guest violin solo

    Marcela kindly agreed to record a violin melody for the new album. Here she is:
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    Album number 3

    .... is about to be mixed.
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    To-Mera studio update

    Here's some more guys. Hope you like it :)
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    Studio update (video)

    Here's some Bass:
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    To-Mera studio update

    Well, it was strictly for your benefit ;)
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    To-Mera studio update

    Here is a video from the recording of the new To-Mera album. Hope you like it :)
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    To-Mera studio update

    Hi all, Here is a video taken from the recording sessions for the 3rd full length To-Mera album. Hope you like it. Tom
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    Studio update (video)

    For those of you who haven't been following elsewhere, here is the latest from the recording sessions:
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    Website down?

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    Website down?

    Oops! Thanks for the heads up. We've been so immersed in recording this album we have completely neglected the website. Will get that sorted asap.
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    Album number 3

    Recording is just three days away. Studio updates will be posted at
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    Pre-production in progress

    We are now getting down to the final arrangements of the songs for album 3.5 and planning recording logistics. More to come soon :) ....