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    Any chance that Kalmah will play in the USA?

    I've been asking this question since Swamplord was first released
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    Swampsong album impression

    HOLY FUCKING SHIT :OMG: .....I just heard "swampsong" and let me congratulate the Kalmah guys on a fucking AMAZING album!! Kicks the shit out of "they will return." Not saying TWR was a bad album but this is definately an excellent improvement from there. Again keep up the good work...
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    as well :lol:
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    funny my dad likes moonsorrow as well:grin: interesting how they appeal to parents as well :err:
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    Kalmah in studio...

    YES!!!!:rock::rock::rock: I CANNOT WAIT FOR THIS ALBUM!!!!!!!! glad to hear it's almost done. Keep kicking ass:flame:
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    Soooo, who will be in Austin, TX this Friday to see COB?

    maybe if they came a few hundred miles closer then I would be there. other reasons: no car, no money, no friends with vehicles like COB therefore I am SOL.:waah:
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    Lightining Bolt, Lightning Bolt, SLEEP!

    :lol: yeah i noticed that...the poor bastard got blasted in the face by whatever it is they were throwing (lightning????:err:) and she almost kills the whole thing and starts laughing :lol: Watching that video makes me realize how sad and pathetic my life really is that i dont have that much fun
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    Lightining Bolt, Lightning Bolt, SLEEP!

    :lol::lol::lol::lol::lol: Where the hell did you find that??!?!?!?!?! That is some seriously funny shit.
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    Sixpounder tabs

    Isn't that what usually happens anyways? :lol:
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    Suggestions on new guitar?

    Warlock's can run under 500 maybe around 300 (someone correct me if i'm wrong) Personally i didn't like them but that is just my opinion. When i bought my first guitar I bought one of the beginner packs that came with a cheap amp cheap guitr picks etc. It cost about 350 at the most. So that is...
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    Henkka...But why??...Arizona...

    I know Bam used dimmu borgir, kovenant, and in thy dreams in CKY 3, Cant remember which songs were in the previous movies and i havent seen CKY 4 yet. But those are kind of skating videos and kind of not lol
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    Children Of Bodom ruleeeez:)

    This thread proves the statement :lol: not that its a bad thing because stupid topics warm the heart....that was gay but i'm not lying . . . :rolleyes:
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    Question on Nile/DT show in LA

    I am sick to fucking death of living in the middle of fucking no where. Every fucking good tour that comes remotely close to my area is at least a 6 hour drive. Cant wait till i get the hell out of this shit hole:mad: :mad: :mad: :mad:
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    Whats up everyone?

    here is a question to ponder...Why is this the sleepy board so sleepy??? i know there are kalmah fans that post on other boards or maybe it is just the same people here im not too sure.:confused: anyways what do u guys think?
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    Special Thanks on Mind Revolution

    The shit is gonna hit the fizann really quick-like if people don't stop stealing my lines mofo!:mad: :p :lol:
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    Special Thanks on Mind Revolution

    Since now G :lol:
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    Hey Jonas

    I like the idea of just a logo shirt. Sometimes album cover shirts don't look very good and you can still get your point across with only a logo, just with not as much flare.
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    Special Thanks on Mind Revolution

    Word to yer Mutha:cool: Fuck da east side bitches. Tupac 4 eva:Smokin: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
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    Special Thanks on Mind Revolution

    Yes that would be cool:rock: or just like a special thanx to the guys and/or girls on the board. that would be cool :grin: not trying to be greedy or anything :lol: