Accept - Blood of Nations....The Teutonic masters are BACK!!!!


Aug 13, 2009
What a great album. Classic Accept all the way, mixed with a little more contemporary Accept, except for Tornillo's vocals, but he is a very suitable replacement. I would had hoped UDO was part of this, but I will take this at least any day of the week.
What a great album. Classic Accept all the way, mixed with a little more contemporary Accept, except for Tornillo's vocals, but he is a very suitable replacement. I would had hoped UDO was part of this, but I will take this at least any day of the week.

At first I honestly couldn't get into Accept's catalog. However, after a while it grew on me. In other words, Udo grew on me as he definitely is an acquired taste, but I do like him. For me personally, I find Tornillo to be a much better singer. He has more range and versatility in my opinion. Not to mention, since he's American he can actually writes the lyrics. The only thing Udo might have that Tornillo doesn't for me is more charisma. I won't be able to judge that though until I see them in concert.

Onto the album. This is clearly a beast of an album. Great songs throughout and for me, the only album that is contending with it for album of the year for me is Overkill's Ironbound.