Card Machine Issue

Century Media

Sep 26, 2012
Hello All,

It has just come to our attention that we had a credit card machine error at this years fest. Im sure some of you remember that half way through the fest that card machines and the ATM at the club all went down. This issue screwed up our system and none of the card transactions went through. From what I've been told, the cards have to be reprocessed. All that happened the first time after the initial swipe was an authorization that the card was good. We hope that this does not cause an issue with anyone. Keep in mind no money should have been taken by us yet since the fest. Our accountant was on vacation until yesterday and we just found this issue out. If anyone has any questions, please get in touch with a private message and I will try getting to everyone ASAP. We are taking steps to ensure that this never happens again. Again, sorry if this may cause any issues with anyone.

-Jose (Century Media)