CRASH 2!!!


May 10, 2005
Calais, Maine (not France)
Windin, up.... Here's the pitch!

Shock-Jock Don Imus and his wife Deirdre met the Rutgers team at the mansion of New Jersey Governor Jon Corzine, who is critically ill after being involved in a car crash on his way to the meeting.
CRASH!! Holy cow, its a hit!

Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha! Ultra-socialist supra-elitist lib Jon Corzine, t-boned by a little red pick-up on his way to mediate beteen the I-man and those nappy-headed hos!!


This is just about the greatest day I've had in ages!!!!

Corzine hospitalised. On a respirator. While Imus apologizes and the rutgers woman "gradually come to terms with the apology."

Heh heh. Heh heh heh. Hhhhha ha ha ha ha!

I dunno, he he he, I can't ha ha ha, I can't stop laughing! HA HA HA HA HA!

I can't understand why Jon Corzine was injured. I mean, didn't his gigantic wallet stuffed with millions upon millions of grafted and swindled dollars cushion the impact?

How is it possible for someone so freakin rich to be involved in a hit-and-run?

Ha ha ha ha ha ha HHHHHHA!

I wonder if the "little red truck" was being driven by that notorious traffic menace, JANET RENO!?

Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha!

Jon Corzine's in the hospital! ...Think I'm gonna get me an ice cream cone!

Now they're saying Corzine was in a police SUV chauffeured by a cop, the lights flashing and sirens blaring, it was traveling 91 mph, and Corzine wasn't wearing a seat belt when this thing nailed a JERSEY barrier and crashed.

First of all, cops do that all the time. Flashing their lights so they can go to the movies faster.

Second of all, Corzine wasn't wearing a seat belt... and The bastard survived!!


Because he was in an SUV!!

I thought leftist socialist enviro-stalinists like him hate SUVs... I mean, if he was in a hybrid, there'd be nothing left of Jonny except a slid mark on the turnpike...
