Death To False Metal..!!




Hmmm, where shall i start. Well i don't want to seem
like a moaning git or anything, but i feel i have a valid point.!

The thing is Bloodstock is supposed to be a METALfest,
So it would be great if there was only Heavy Metal Bands appearing. Bloodstock should be that because the real Metal fans deserve the best, and hopfully BLOODSTOCK will provide the best. It certianly seems to be living upto being a great day, as BLAZE/DEEDS/SAXON & SKYCLAD etc are scheduled.! By the way there's a place for false METAL, i believe it's called OZZFEST...!! they really do have the worst of bands playing there. (OBVIOUSLY ACCECPT SABBATH).!
So i hope i haven't spoken out of term to any Nu-POP METAL FANS out there, though i don't really care.

MAY THE WORLD DOMINATION OF TRUE HEAVY METAL CONTINUE. Take it easy Metal fans. I'm sure were all counting down the days until The BEST Metalfest this countries seen in many a year...!!!

Just a small point; whether it is Heavy Metal, Pop Metal, Nu Metal, Death Metal...etc... it is still METAL so any bands from any Metal genre would obviously fit the criteria for the bill.
A little bit of variation and a broadening of the mind never hurt anybody,(besides if you liked every band on the bill when could you go to the bar and/or toilet??)!

Before anyone asks no, poo face misog Parrot isn't back!!!


Yeh, I remember when Sabbath did the first MK Ozzfest, I trecked all the way there and it was not Sabbath (poor old Bill had had a heart attack - so they roped in Vinnie Appice!). I know they had to carry on but in reality the billing was not "original". I missed the first set of 2 NEC dates, but finally got to the "final" NEC date in 1999, pleased as punch that I will get to see the original lineup for the last time (as did 12,000 others). Now - here we go again, just like Kiss, they cannot seem to hold their word. I guess by now we should guess that they are in it for the money - no new release just rehash all the old numbers to their new young trendy audience (who will probably all walk out after Slipwhat?)!!

Anyway, lets hope the masters Van Halen get this reunion thing right. No-one else seems to!!

If you want METAL goto Bloodstock!!


Yeah, I'd rather go to Bloodstock than Ozzfest. All they'll have is nu-metal which I absolutely detest.

I have to agree with the last comment regarding which festival to go to.
The only band on the Ozfest bill I would like to see is Slipknot. I hate Nu-Metal, yet find myself liking the Slipknot album more and more. The rest of the Ozfest bill just seems to be the latest bands that Kerrang magazine are touting as the next big thing, and most of them will fall into oblivion in the coming months.
Bloodstock has a more exciting bill, with music that will really get the adrenaline flowing. Bands which all have big differences in style, so you are guaranteed not to be bored.

As for the comment about Kiss not getting the re-union right, I have to partially disagree. The re-union tour was brilliant yet I do believe they should of split after the first tour, after Finsbury, and Bruce Kulick and Eric Singer should of re-joined to tour on the back of the Carnival of Souls album, which is fantastic,as musically it is a far superior album to anything Kiss had done previously.

Yeah I must agree. I'll go to Bloodstock not Ozzfest because Kerrang bands suck. I never buy Kerrang anymore because they don't support British bands, only the odd nu-metal band because they're sucking up to someone, but never true metal, they even slated Iron Maiden for fucks sake!!!

Well I shall be going to Bloodstock AND Ozzfest.

I have to say I'm not a fan of nu-metal, most of it is complete rubbish. However I've long learnt not to try and categorise bands into certain 'types'. If I like a band, that's that, I don't care if they are 'trad' or 'thrash' or 'glam'. Cylon King's example of Slipknot is a good one. I SHOULD hate them considering all the hype and publicity and teeny-bopper fans. However I genuinely like the music, and pretending otherwise would make me as bad as those people who only like the latest thing to be trendy.

I think there are some good bands on the Ozzfest bill. Given the choice I would transport myself back to the days of Donington, but it aint gonna happen. So, as I think I've said before, I'll take my metal where I can find it.

There is room for festivals like both like Ozzfest and Bloodstock. Only recently festivals of the Bloodstock variety have been hard to come by in the country. A big thanks to the organisers for finally giving us what we want I say!