Dirt baths..


I am Them...
Sep 26, 2002
I think all of you heard of the healing :ill: effect of special dirt baths... I managed to check it on myself.

Here is the reciepe:

The best way to take such bath to go to any russian 'off'-road.. and get stuck there.. :heh: Then place woman to driver's place, tell her what to do and try to push the car back.. You will feel as the amazing healing mud covers your clothes, body, hair and eyes.. :bah:

Then feel despair and call for jeep, which will stick too, trying to pull you out, so you will have to push it out if mud too.. :erk:

:D Sorry, but I'm under great impression.. o_O :tickled:
I got stuck on my car 400 km from Moscow in Ivanovskaya region. In absolute dirt.. There was a very smart trap: grass and some dry earth, so when you drive, you don't see anything wrong. But when in some place grass disappears, you realise, that you are in a field of mud!!! Wet mud!!! It was awful!
We spent 3 hours trying to get out..

If I had had jeep... :cry:
Well, it's hard to guess what the hell I forgot there... :lol:

Father asked me to frive him there, he wants to buy a house.

I was afraid, that I'll be allergic to non-asphalt roads after that. But no! :devil:

P.S. Finns make true mobile phones - when all dirt on my Nokia got dry on sun, it falled off and the phone worked as usual.. :lol:
:lol: I hate mobile phones... Recently I destroyed my Motorolla for it was so damn buggy and idiotically constructed. NEVER EVER BUY ANY MOTOROLLA AGAIN!
my posh one with colour screen, internet, camera etc... got stolen in london :yell: but i claimed it on insurance and ive got the voucher for it, all ive gotta do is go and claim a new phone from the shop:D