Europe - Live From The Dark


24 Hours Ago...
Jan 2, 2005
City beneath the surface
Well, I have something else to spend my money on now, and that's the PAL format concert DVDs. Now that I'm able to play them...

Anyway, I received the new Europe DVD - Live From The Dark for Christmas. Before I watched this I was expecting an ok performance from these guys, but I got much more than that! :OMG: To say the least, I'm really impressed! I've grown up listening to their music, but I've never came close to seeing them live.

If you don't respect John Norum now, you should after watching this! The guy flat out kicks ass during this show! No wonder Don Dokken wanted him as a replacement for Reb Beech! It wasn't a very good album, but that's beside the point.:erk:

As for the rest of the band, their playing is very, very tight. Joey Tempest sounds great and is probably one of the most energetic vocalist I've seen in awhile! He works the crowd great, and kept them interested during the entire set. All in all, I'm very impressed with this band, and have a new appreciation for them.

On a side note, the sound is in DTS, which is a great plus. I've read complaints from reviewers that think it was recorded too dark, but it doesn't bother me at all. Actually, I think it adds something to this particular show. It's very well done in other words.

If you're looking for something a little different or obscure, check out Europe's - Live From The Dark. I highly recommend it to the casual or hard core 80s hard rock fan as myself.
Actually Reb replaced John and then John came back for a little while after Reb went to Whitesnake and before going back to Europe. John was also on Don's great solo cd Up from the Ashes.

That Up From The Ashes disc does indeed rock..I have Norum's Total Control CD which is very good.. Totally in the Yngwie Vien, but very good.. I thought his Latest solo project sucked though... Just my thoughts...I may just go check out this Europe gig though.. Could prove to be good from what you're sayin... Rock on...
Two opinions:

1) I think Up From the Ashes was the best album Don Dokken was ever on. In large part due to John Norum.
2) That being said about Norum's greatness, I think that Kee Marcello was actually better, even though Europe's albums with him weren't as good as Final Countdown and Wings of Tomorrow.
I was so pissed to find out about that show a week after. Probably the only chance I ever will get to hear those songs as they should be played. Even if he includes them in his setlists now, it's probably a less technical modernized version of the songs.
I saw two Europe shows in May - the first time I'd ever seen them live despite having been a fan since 1987 or so. (there were a LOT of people at the shows that never had gotten to see them, since even in their heyday, they only did short, month-long stints whenever they toured here), and they were both incredible. In fact, I have a bootleg of one of the shows, at the Troc in Philly - you can see my head, although you'd never know it was me...
adaher said:
Two opinions:

1) I think Up From the Ashes was the best album Don Dokken was ever on. In large part due to John Norum.
2) That being said about Norum's greatness, I think that Kee Marcello was actually better, even though Europe's albums with him weren't as good as Final Countdown and Wings of Tomorrow.

Well, I've liked Kee better than Norum for years until I watched this might change your mind. It did mine!
jaimek said:
I saw two Europe shows in May - the first time I'd ever seen them live despite having been a fan since 1987 or so. (there were a LOT of people at the shows that never had gotten to see them, since even in their heyday, they only did short, month-long stints whenever they toured here), and they were both incredible. In fact, I have a bootleg of one of the shows, at the Troc in Philly - you can see my head, although you'd never know it was me...

I would loved to have seen them, but I didn't make it. Judging by the bonus disc footage, it looked like they played in front of some good size crowds over seas on this latest tour. It surprised me actually!