Exrtemely Underrated prog band!


Aug 30, 2013
Germany's SUBSIGNAL (members of Sieges Even, Dreamscape) to release 3rd album "Paraiso" on Golden Core Records. Be sure to pick this up from Ken at the end of Sept. Simple way to describe them is a progmetal YES. Great song writing and excellent musicianship! *sorry for typo in header* "EXTREMELY"

Been following these guys since their first album. Both albums are absolutely great. Strong writing and great chops and the production is not too shabby either.
Will Arno and Markus ever reach the heights of Navigating by the Stars? The Holzwarth brothers get my vote for one of the best rhythm sections I have heard. I hold them to a high standard with that huge album and they have yet to get as good. Here's hoping this one gets close.