Happy Birthday Mike!

NickDivision said:
oh you're just so wrong for doing that. why lob one more candle on the eternal bonfire that is mike's bday cake?

:lol: You're a nut!

Anyhow, Happy Birthday Mike! I didn't realize that we had another end-of-March birthday around here to celebrate! One notch closer to the big 4-0!!!

Have a great day. See you a couple of weeks.
Eh, you guys are hilarious - since I know I'm younger than at least one of you...

Thanks, to all. We've dispensed with candles, though, and just moved up to a flame thrower. Same effect, less matches to light.
eaeolian said:
Eh, you guys are hilarious - since I know I'm younger than at least one of you...

Thanks, to all. We've dispensed with candles, though, and just moved up to a flame thrower. Same effect, less matches to light.

So does that mean you've done away with counting candles and have resorted to ONE large candle? A flame thrower??? My that's quite a large wick you've got there Mr. Blevins! o_O he he he
