How Underground Does One Have to Be?

Guardian of Darkness said:
Listening to bands simply because they're underground is gay.
Bands who appeal to the mainstream are often gay, because the masses are gay.
Bands who are more thought-provoking tend not to appeal to the gay masses, and are therefore obscure. Therefore virtually all the non-gay bands are obscure.
People who try to be 'metal' are gay.
In Flames were always gay.
Hahahha, quit the Anal Cunt vocabulary. Most people or the masses don't even take music as seriously as us and they just settle with what is big at the time. They dont care to look further into music and find lesser known bands because all they know is what is shown in mass media. They just see music as only as entertainment and they dont really want something very deep.

I've heard most of the big respected names in heavy metal and I really like listening to the metal classics but I want to get into something new and more obscure at times. What's wrong with that?
No the point of the thread is not that its wrong to like and support obscure bands.

The point of the thread is why so many on this site feel the need to support their metalness by coming up with the obscure bands. I respect almost everyones on this boards taste. I just dont understand why many feel the need to believe that only good bands are obscure, and only real metal fans know about them.
Phoenix- I agree with everything you said except for a few minor details...

the phoenix said:
To express this ideology, BM often features raw, minimalistic production....

What does having shitty production have to do with an ideology? I'd rather have quality sounding music. If they can't afford it, that's a different story...

the phoenix said:
A consequence of this is that the music won't appeal to the general public. This isn't a problem, though, since true BM bands don't care how many records they sell so much as how good, ideologically speaking, their music is;

What about how good, musically speaking, their music is? Shouldn't that really be the focus no matter what? I understand ideology is a big part of it, but it should never take precedence over songwriting. I think it does sometimes.
Like you said, there are always exceptions. Other bands might milk their image more and focus on music less just to sell more. There are stupid fans in every genre, BM isn't safe. Some of them might base what they spend their money on just by how ideological the band seems. Metal is strange. Making a good album can mean selling out, while trying to conform your image to the genre standard can bring you respect.

I'll say it once. Only once. This discussion is NOT happening.

What bands say in interviews about their beliefs is irrelevant (although it can allow one to grasp a firmer interpretation of the album in question). Their lyrics are somewhat relevant, but not the key to interpreting their ideology or mindset. It is the piece of art AS A WHOLE which IS the mindset in musical form. Every piece of music is an ideology or mindset, expressed in musical form.
Guardian of Darkness said:

I'll say it once. Only once. This discussion is NOT happening.

What bands say in interviews about their beliefs is irrelevant (although it can allow one to grasp a firmer interpretation of the album in question). Their lyrics are somewhat relevant, but not the key to interpreting their ideology or mindset. It is the piece of art AS A WHOLE which IS the mindset in musical form. Every piece of music is an ideology or mindset, expressed in musical form.
speed said:
No the point of the thread is not that its wrong to like and support obscure bands.

The point of the thread is why so many on this site feel the need to support their metalness by coming up with the obscure bands. I respect almost everyones on this boards taste. I just dont understand why many feel the need to believe that only good bands are obscure, and only real metal fans know about them.
Would you prefer to see threads like that:

X: Can you suggest me some death metal plz?
Y: Yeah...try cannibal corpse, nile and suffocation.
X: Thank you! I would have never found those bands without your help.


Personnaly I like to suggest bands that aren't very well known and I like when others do the same...that way if other peoples like those bands they WILL be known soon. We all have different knowledge so we might as well share our knowledge of the underground scene as well.
Zivilyn said:
What does having shitty production have to do with an ideology? I'd rather have quality sounding music. If they can't afford it, that's a different story...
What about how good, musically speaking, their music is? Shouldn't that really be the focus no matter what? I understand ideology is a big part of it, but it should never take precedence over songwriting. I think it does sometimes.
Like you said, there are always exceptions. Other bands might milk their image more and focus on music less just to sell more. There are stupid fans in every genre, BM isn't safe. Some of them might base what they spend their money on just by how ideological the band seems. Metal is strange. Making a good album can mean selling out, while trying to conform your image to the genre standard can bring you respect.

this post rates very highly on the


Speaking of recommending obscure bands- God, I STILL haven't been able to fuckin listen to "fullmoon." In fact I've searched music shops, the internet and the hub and the only place I've found anything is shared by you on the hub. But then I didn't even get to sample it because you disconnected me :hotjump:

If you're not gonna let me dl it could you give me a link?
I think I have Fullmoon's epic United Aryan Evil shared on DC. I'm in the UM hub if you want it.

EDIT: If you were talking to me then, I didn't intentionally disconnect you.