Internet snobbery......street thuggery

Hey dude, a lot of that shit is, in a couple of years, gonna start being done by grind and shit. Unfortunately, whenever something catches on, the assholes in the world find a need to attach their attitude to it.

Yeah, kids do have no respect. You can't find it any worse than in the community I live in...the Syrian Jewish one. Please, if you ever meet a Syrian Jew, DO NOT think that they are representative of the rest of us. They are straight out assholes. You talk about talking back to elders and shit, it's strange for them if they actually do listen to what they're told. They really have no respect for anyone at all other than themselves - most of them have housekeepers that live with them (that they treat like total shit of course) and are so spoiled from their infancy that they don't have any comprehension of doing anything that doesn't benefit them. One time I was walking in the hall of my school, I brush by this fucker, and he pushes me up against a locker and he's like "you push me again I'll beat you up." What the fuck? All I did was have my jacket touch him?! Happily I avoided getting in trouble for a real fight and got him in a headlock within seconds...only reason they're tolerable is because they can't back up any of the shit they say.