Mark "M.E." Edwards Sampler CD - If you have feedback...


Sep 13, 2004
Hey everyone. Just checking in to see if anyone has any feedback on the sampler CD's I had given out during Progpower. I gave out about 80, and Hoyt is giving out another 40 this weekend at his Pathfinder fest.

A few people have made mention at Facebook but I wanted to have a central feedback point here at the PPUSA forum.

The CD has 8 songs on it. Two from OVERLORDE's CD titled RETURN OF THE SNOW GIANT (Sonic Age Records, available everywhere), four instrumentals, and two songs from my old heavy rock band BREAKER M.E.

For the songs on this CD, I performed all the guitar parts and wrote all the music (with the exception of the intro to TRAPPED BY MAGIC. Drummer Dave Wrenn wrote the intro). I wrote all the lyrics, and for the instrumentals I programmed the drums, bass, and keys.

Since I began giving these samplers out in ernest starting at NAMM this year, some very good things have happened. I got my first endorsement deal with GRAPHTECH in Canada, and just tonight some folks at Steinberg USA asked if I was interested in creating some guitar sounds for a future release of Cubase/Halion Sonic (Wow!). We also discussed me possibly doing inhouse performances at Guitar Center stores tied in with Steinberg User group meetings.

The Sampler has also opened the door for me with some established names in metal and we are taking about performing together.

So I hope the CD has brought some enjoyment to my fellow Progpower'ers also!
@Su.. Hoyt is putting them in the bags for his GOLD BADGE holders. So if you got a gold badge you will get it. I sent him just a handful of extras, so if you don't have a gold badge drop him a line and ask him to hold one for you.

@ Madman. The entire CD is not entirely online, and not in one place. Here are the songs that are: The music player has SNOW GIANT. Another song in the player that I wrote is HELL HATH NO FURY (I think all the metal ladies here will like that one especially), though that is not on the sampler. The music player has LUNCH BREAK BOOGIE and SUMMER CRUISIN. Also other instrumentals I wrote and performed/programmed. This has CEREMONY and some other instrumentals I performed and programmed.

Also, my song DANCE was on the Progpower CD compilation in 2006. That would be Progpower VII if I am correct. This is on my sampler.

There are videos at those sites also. Anything instrumental I wrote and programmed. For Overlorde, I wrote all of STARCASTLE, although Bobby reworked the melody when he joined the band.
@Su.. Hoyt is putting them in the bags for his GOLD BADGE holders. So if you got a gold badge you will get it. I sent him just a handful of extras, so if you don't have a gold badge drop him a line and ask him to hold one for you.

hells yeah i'm a VIP, baby :)
i can't wait to take a listen :)
Someone got a new Flying V from UPS today. Its actually a 2000 Limited Edition Gibson Flying V I just got off ebay...