Merry Christmas to all!

shadow walker

Sep 11, 2003
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leaving soon so i wanna wish you all a metal merry christmas. Good food, family, friends and laughs i wish for you all, and for those that dont get that i wish you strength!
all i want for christmas is the Rolling Stones 40 flicks DVD, and i've been good so i hopes i gets it!
My biggest thrill is all the LORD OF THE RING shit we got for my 5 year old, who daddy will help play with :tickled:
and to see my daughter get her phone in her room WITH HER OWN DAMN NUMBER!! :headbang:
God bless you all.

merry christmas

Shadow walker
Well have a Very Merry Christmas and a Hard and Heavy New year

Up the Irons

Why is it that X-mas is recognized as a national holiday while the other religions don't get time off for their religious holidays? Seperation of Church and State, my ass! :yell:

Fuck X-mas! :loco:

X-mas turkey? Stuff it! :Smug:

Santa's dead from driving his sleigh while drunk (but not before he killed a bus full of nuns on their way to midnight mass) and the reindeer are being used to make Alpo! :dopey:

And get those fucking songs off the stereo! :ill:

While the rest of you are safe in your warm homes with your families and loved ones eating all kinds of carbohydrate-loaded comfort/junk food, I'll be profiting on the misery of others in the rain, pulling vehicles of fatal car wrecks out of a ditch because of the schmuck who drank too much eggnog lost control of his vehicle and slammed into the car of some poor family; impounding vehicles and rescuing some poor, dumb jackass who left their keys in their car or their lights on all night. So, if any of you are in Costa Mesa and require my services, I suggest this: TIP WELL! :Smug:

I hope you all had a wonderful Winter Solstice and a joyous and prosperous New Year! :)
I've been watching the google logo story unfold.
That was quite a snow storm- and then the O got plowed away much to a horrified snowman onlooker.
Currently the little guy is making something....I hope it's an O and not a G!
Hello all :)

Back from 2days with the this is a bit late.

Happy Holidays all :)

I'm enjoying my iPod xmas gift. WOOHOO Portable music baby! Can't wait to put the Maidens CD on it (grin).

Hope the holiday was great for all of you, and your family and friends.

In other news: I preform my first wedding on Monday..wish me luck (grin).
