Need a guest vocalist

Morgan C

Apr 23, 2008
Sydney, Australia
My band is SO close to finishing its EP.

Just need guest vocals on this track:

I have PM'd a few guys but either their vocal style doesn't fit or their busy, so this is just an open request. These vocals are all I need to finish it up. ^ THats an old mix, though.

Really looking for some dirty clean singing (perhaps screaming in the chorus). That kind of 'raspy' tone ala Jorn Lande or Tony (from Sonata, don't know his last name) would be perfect but obviously very hard to find.

Here are lyrics, but feel free to change anything. They hold no value to me ;p
A darkened moon will rise
As the clouds appear
No time, we run for cover
Take shelter as it nears

A blackened night has come
To wash away the dreams
A young boy's hope is lost
Fear paralyses, becomes
A tombstone of emotion
All expectations forgotten
Just single-minded concerns

Fight or flight remains
Instinct takes me over
Survival above all
Break this reverie
Behold the lightning
Cracks the sky in two
A glimmer of light pierces
The eye of the storm

The dream shatters
And I realise, regretfully
The aftertaste is sour
I've killed again

He watches
The moving
The thunder

Here's one Javi did, really good but he hasn't gotten back to me so dunno whats up with him :/
I think the verse works really well at the end of them (eg 'forevermore') but not so much in the rest of the verse cos there are too many words. So maybe just singing half the verse's lyrics would work better. Javi did change the structure of the vocals quite a bit (no vocals in verse1, instead vocals i the interlude and after the drum solo). Vocals Tuned.mp3
There's another version (heavily autotuned cos the melody was sorta done after recording ;p)
OK, I get the idea. Unfortunately my way of singing is a bit cleaner and my voice is a bit lower, so I'm can't help you on this one. Javi's version is pretty cool, by the way!
i might have a go at this today, although i sing a fair bit different to the bloke on the second clip and i ripped the shit outta my voice yesterday tracking screams for my band
orite, i know i sound nothing like Jorn, but i had some fun none the less....

i sound pretty throaty on this because my voice is balls after 5 hours of screaming yesterday and i could only manage an hour and a half on this before it felt like i was swallowing really notice it when when i go that little bit higher, my voice just kept trying to crack on me:rolleyes:

i did a version that was simular to javi's but i feel my voice is more suited to the style i have uploaded...if you listen carefully you may hear those takes blended into the backround.....also i doubled up tracks but they need to be tightened up massively, tbh i'd probably redo it all again if of course you wanted to use my voxs
Dude you have a seriously killer voice! I can hear the straining a bit, but I can tell you really have a nice voice. Or not nice. Brutal :D

I'll talk to my guitarist and get back to you, if he's happy with you doing it (I certainly am!) then we'll just give you a few comments and you can do the final thing whenever your voice heals?

edit: I saw you were in Australia.. googled Geelong and saw it was near Newtown which is like 20 mins from my Uni. Except that its a Newtown in Vic, not NSW ><
Cheers bloke, appreciate it:heh:

If your guitarist agrees I'm happy to have a go at it as soon as my voice is sorted, it should only take a day or two of rest...

I'm happy to change the voxs up how ever you like...just let me know

Feel free to add me to MSN if you'd prefer to chat about there
hey - just seen this thread - will download the track tomoro and have alisten if ya still in need of help - have a listen to my playlist on the website below - anything by Tommie Vox is me - esp. "Wake this City".

Kind Regards - Tommie Vox