New band: Shadowland


Dec 10, 2006
From blabbermouth....

"Swedish melodic/progressive metal band SHADOWLAND will release its debut
album, "Falling", on August 10. The CD will be distributed worldwide through NL Distribution.

SHADOWLAND is the brainchild of singer Robert Forse (HEADS OR TALES) and SEVEN WISHES guitarist Tobias Andersson, who founded this band in 2003. Their aim is to play strong melodic metal with a progressive touch.


Robert Forse (HEAD OR TALES) - Vocals
Tobias Andersson (SEVEN WISHES) - Guitar
Olle Rod'ehn - Drums
Jörgen Jönsson (DAMNED NATION) - Bass"

This is good news for me as i always liked Heads or Tails. They werent anything spectacular, but i was always drawn to the singer simply because he has a different kind of voice. I just checked out this bands myspace page and their samples are pretty decent...and that voice is still there wooo!
I have been playing these guys on my radio show for over 6 months now. What a great band! I am one of the few thats had the priviledge of having this great CD long before they signed with Georg Siegel at AOR/Metal Heaven.

Whats funny is if you search the UM forums for Shadow Land, you will see I actually recommended these guys to Lance for Nightmare Records several months ago.

I highly suggest everyone into Melodic Hard Rock with doses of Metal, and a tad of Prog (not much but theres some) to check out this killer band.

Heres my promo, followed by the actual CD cover.


^^^ Show-off!!! ;-)

More reason for others to check my radio show out. ;) I pride myself in playing/acquiring a ton of great unsigned bands that I know are going to get signed.....its just a matter of when.

Matter of fact I'll be debuting another new band in 2 weeks who I also believe will be getting signed anytime.