New Demons and Wizards scores 6/10 from Martin Popoff

The Fiddler

Just Do It.
Nov 27, 2002
Heaven and Hell
I'm sorta stumped that nobody has commented on the new Demons and Wizards despite the fact that it's been out over a month. Is it too mediocre to take the time to post an opinion, or is everyone assuming that it kicks butt? I'm in the later camp. I'd give it a 9.4/10. I seen that Martin Popoff of BWBK gave it a 6/10. That's quite a joke of a score that should make anyone here question his credibility on reviewing music. :yuk:

Touched by the Crimson King certainly has a different vibe to it than the S/T release, but it's extremely well done. I can't say I like one more than the other, although "Fiddler on the Green" is the best song on either disc, IMO.

I love the slower, melodic tempo on TBTCK as a whole. Quite atmospheric and heady. IMO, Hansi has never sounded better. I think he's best at the mid-tempo, melodic numbers versus the faster numbers where he screams more than sings. It's hard to ooze emotion on tracks like, "Down Where I Am" when the double-bass drums are raging at several thousand beats per minute.

Jon's guitar work with the acoustic is also excellent. There's probably more acoustic guitar on this disc than any other he's done. And I really like how he overlapped the electric and acoustic guitars on songs like, "Seize the Day". Producton by Jim Morris and Jon is top notch as usual.

I think the songs, "Lunar Lament" and "Spatial Architects" on the Limited Edition release should have been included on the full-length CD, but that's all marketing controlled by SPV. The Led Zepplin cover is the only dud. Certainly not Hansi's best moment. I've grown to like the cover art a bit more over time, but the packaging really pales in comparison to the debut release. Other than those minor issues, this disc gets my highest recommendation.

My top three:

1. Down Where I Am
2. Seize the Day
3. Love's Tragedy Assunder
I bought it. I loved the first album. I've listened to the new one twice, and it has yet to catch on with me. I'm not sure if it is the slower songs, or maybe just too much repetition. I think I will wind up liking it, but so far, I'd give it about a 6 out of 10, too.

Steve in Philly
I like it, but it seems like the overwhelming majority of people think its pretty dull. It does really lack momentum past the first half of the album, but theres some nice tracks on it (Terror Train is easily one of my favorite D&W tracks period).

One reason I appriciate it so much is cause I'm reading The Dark Tower and I guess its cool for me to hear the songs that were based on it (Crimson King, Terror Train, Seize the Day, The Gunslinger).
I too am an avid fan of the Dark Tower Saga and I absolutely love this new Demons and Wizards. I'm wondering if anyone else like Matt enjoy the books as well. Maybe the connection from hearing about Roland and the Crimson King and his journey makes me like this cd moreso than someone who has not read the series. I also felt the same way about Redemption's Desperation Suite, I think its the best song(s) on the cd and its based on the King novel of the same name.

btw Blind Guardian has done a few other Stephen King songs:

Somewhere Far Beyond - This one is about the Dark Tower as well but it only covers the first two books, The Gunslinger and Drawing of the Three

Guardian of the Blind - Based on the book IT.

Tommyknockers - Well, that should obvious.
Yngvai X said:
I like it, but it seems like the overwhelming majority of people think its pretty dull. It does really lack momentum past the first half of the album, but theres some nice tracks on it (Terror Train is easily one of my favorite D&W tracks period).

I do understand this opinion. It's the same one I had after the first couple of listens. But after more listens, it really grew on me. TBTCK certainly isn't aggressive as the S/T, but I really appreciate the fact that they didn't just clone the S/T release.

Jon and Hansi created a new feel with TBTCK and did it extremely well. I've always loved music with atmosphere and TBTCK delivers big time on that. Would I take TBTCK to the gym for a workout, no. But that doesn't make me appreciate it any less. There's a time and place for everything and TBTCK is great for those long night drives or just sitting back in your chair and spacing out after a long day at work.
I like it plenty. While the first one reminded me more of a Blind Guardian album, but with Jon Schaffer riffing, the new one sounds a lot like a (newer) Iced Earth album, but with Hansi's vocals instead of Ripper's. That's good, if you liked The Glorious Burden, but it seems like tons of metalheads and die-hard IE fans hated TGB.
I think it's Mediocre at best. Some great songs such as Seize the Day, but other tunes are lackluster.

My expectations were SO great after the first album (a true gem, 9.5/10), that anything less was going to fall wayyyy short. That it did...that it did.
I am a huge Blind Guardian fan and used to like Iced Earth up until Something Wicked, but I find Demons & Wizards to be rather weak. There are some songs that I love (on both albums - especially Fiddler on the Green) but overall I find the band to be a bit repetitive and simple, which means that I get bored of listening to them rather quickly. Hansi's voice is great as always, but Jon seems to recycle his riffs and use them over and over again. He reached his peak with Something Wicked This Way Comes and since then has been creatively stuck.
The drum sound on this entire disc bothers me, but especially on the opening tune. It sounds like tin cans. Overall I've listened to the disc twice, and it really hasn't captured my attention yet. I might give it another go or two before making a final decision though.

I usually think Popoff is a complete moron, but 6/10 is what I'd give it. The first three songs are strong, but then the disc just falls on its face. I interviewed Jon about this CD. He mentioned that he and Hansi had almost no face time together, and that most writing was done by sending each other tapes. I have no way of knowing if that's what caused the inconsistency, but it couldn't have helped.

Zod, I think I read that they wrote the first one in the same manner (could be misremembering here).

And, Daybreaker, I'm a huge King fan, and liked the tower series (although that did drag a little at times; to be expected in such a huge series). I am still hoping to like the new album more. Perhaps it'll grow on me like it did on Fiddler.

Steve in Philly
i'm a moderate fan of blind guardian and iced earth, but demons and wizards has yet to produce anything better than either band imo. it has great potential... that i don't hear realized.
I dig the album not as much the first, but there arent too many albums as good as the first one. The new one does have some repetition, but I still cant stop from banging my head every time I listen to it.
wayland smithers said:

Good review and accurate.

Metal Reviews also has a good review that I agree with at

If you think the new disc is a bit too slow for you, and you haven't heard the tracks, "Lunar Lament" and "Spatial Architects", make sure to find them on the Limited Edition release. I would have scrapped the Limited Edition release and added these two heavier songs to the full-length CD to balance out the mid-tempo tracks with some heavier tracks.

If the heavy tracks, "Lunar Lament" and "Spatial Architects" would have been included on the standard release, I think a lot of folks giving the disc (sans these songs) a 6/10 would have ranked it higher.