New Symphorce


Sep 7, 2002
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Wow, this one sounds like a big change for the better to me. Someone called it a tuned down Fear Factory with Brainstorm style melody and I was very skeptical. However, upon hearing it, I've gotta say that I really, REALLY like the change. I thought the last album sounded like another Brainstorm cd and I was thinking about how the band may want to try something different and boy, did they! Heavy, heavy, heavy.

Has anyone else heard this? Any opinions? I'm sure some of the tunes won't go over well with members of this board, but I think it's exactly the cd they needed to do. :kickass:
I kind of agree with you about them needing a bit of a change, but for me only about half of the disc works, and that's mostly the stuff that sounds like the Symphorce I know. I've still got to give it some spins, but so far I'm rather lukewarm to it.

One thing that bugged me early on was that the 2nd tune (Condemned) sounds way to close chorus wise to Everlasting Time from their last disc. A lot of Symphorce's and Brainstorm's tunes are really blurring together for me these days as well.

Some of the tunes that are a change from the past are slower tempo .. maybe kind of Goth'ish. Some of it seems to work, some not so well. I still need to give it some spins. For those that haven't heard it try to go in with a bit of an open mind .. some of it is quite different from what you've ever heard from Symphorce.

I say fuck it, none of this stuff comes close to Ivanhoe. Go back to that style; imo, prog metal is where Andy should be. His voice is so passionate and his emotions shine through on the Ivanhoe discs. I know thia point is probably irrelevant right now, but as has been indicated, Brainstorm and Symphorce are basically the same thing. I for one am more of a fan of his vocal style from the Ivanhoe days. Maybe that is due in part to the fact that I'm a prog metal fan and not much of a thrash fan which is more in tune with his direction as of late. Still looking forward to hearing the new Symphorce as I am first and foremost a fan of Andy's voice in general. Ivanhoe just brings back some great memories...
From what I heard it sucks the suck out of suck,generic Power metal 101. Brainstorm is way way way way better....

I disagree with you Bear ... there's not a lot of difference between the two bands, and I think Brainstorm is actually a slight more generic, but the songwriting might be a touch better.

Disagree away. I have been listening to BS for a long time now and in my opinion Ambiguity by itself is better than anything Symphorce has done and I like the way Andy grooves in BS better. To each his own.
I much more prefer Brainstorm but I did enjoy the last Symphorce album. I'll be checking this one out for sure.
Metus Mortis, and Soul Temptation are my two favorite Brainstorm discs ... Ambiguity would come in 3rd.

Sinctuary, and Godspeed are my two favorite Symphorce discs ... Phorceful Ahead (despite the lifted PoS lyrics) would come in 3rd.

I think the two bands are totally similar, but if I had to choose between the two I would go with Brainstorm by a slight margin. I did however think Godspeed kicked the crap out of Liquid Monster in 05'.

Okay how about this then Who else agrees with me that Brainstorm smoked Symphorce at PPUSA?

Thats kind of a tough one since they are both Andy's bands LOL
Okay how about this then Who else agrees with me that Brainstorm smoked Symphorce at PPUSA?

Thats kind of a tough one since they are both Andy's bands LOL
I'd agree with that, but I thought Symphorce had a nice showing. Brainstorm's perfromance was among the best of the best in Prog Power history.

I'm just jealous that you guys have the promo copy!!! Damn, I don't even get one!!! See the Symphorce forum for more on this....

p.s. if anyone wants to get rid of their certainly know who you can send it to!:p
I always think of Symphorce being more "modern power metal" and Brainstorm leaning more on the "traditional metal" style like that of the 80's. In other words, I think Symphorce experiments a little more than Brainstorm, but that's only my opinion.