New Vanden Plas samples

Yes! June is just around the corner and I'm looking forward to this as well. The sample sound great. Andy's voice is still as smoooooth as silk.

I got to see them perform the Christ 0 Rockopera in Munich a couple years ago, and talked with Stephan and Andreas for a while after the show. The show was cool and the guys were nice. I would love to see them playing a regular show though with everyone up on stage!
We can only hope they make it to the states one of these years. I was so upset at what happened last year. Our government sucks, not much we can do about that!
God, I love this band! More great stuff on the way - can't wait! Not going to go back into my whiney mode about missing them the last two times. Figure we just gotta be patient - or go to Germany. I had the special privilege of seeing Andy perform Abydos there a couple years ago. Words cannot describe....
I can't wait to check out these samples when I get home from work, and hopefully I can find the whole cd to listen to. They were amazing when I saw them at PP and I got trashed with them afterwards, and they are the only band I have ever really got to drink and hang out with an extended period of time so it was a great experience(well, there were also guys from mercenary and so on around, but Vanden Plas was who I was hanging with the whole night and talking with, really great guys). They were asking me and the few others hanging out with them their opinion of doing Christ-o, this was before they started working on it so they were wanting our opinion and explaining the concept to us and everything.