Pain of Salvation


May 1, 2001
Uppsala, Sweden
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I bought their newest album two days ago, and it's so damn unbelievably good. How come noone told me about them before?

...or perhaps I just didn't listen enough :D

these guys write lyrics better than anyone else (well, perhaps with the exception of divine Opeth)'s scary

(this (Remedy Lane) is my favourite album so far this year....tied in 1st with BG's)
RL is a great album, but I still prefer their 2nd album (One hour by the concrete lake).
But, exactly as Opeth, every single album is killer and I strongly recommend to get the entire discography! :)
Yes, all four of their albums are brilliant, but right now Remedy Lane is my favorite, because I feel it incorporates all the (perfect) elements that made Entropia, Concrete Lake, and TPE so incredibly powerful and fascinating, while adding many captivating new ones.
i was a bit disappointed at first, because i felt that "remedy lane" was so much more... straightforward than PE1, but it really does grow on you: i don't think it's so much a lapse in songwriting as a purposeful theme; a bit less technical and more emotional.
I feel the same way as saturnix, for example TPE captured me right away because I enjoyed their playing, Remedy Lane took a few listens to grow on me, but it is now an album I listen to before going to sleep, very emotional.
I guess I must be missing something, but I bought Remedy Lane, and I've given it several listens and I must say it is one of the most boring, unimaginative, repetative cds I've ever heard. Now I loved their first two (Entropia is my favorite), but Perfect Element disappointed me. I think they just went on cruise control for the new one, no spark, and repetative and uninteresting song construction. I can't say I even noticed the lyrics because I was so busy thinking, "When is this song going to be over?". I felt like I was listening to several versions of the same boring song.
Sorry, just my opinion.
A possible way to get into RL is:
Put your headphones on and play RL. Relax, just focus on the music and follow the lyrics (with the booklet). Worked fine for me :)
Pain Of Salvation quickly became one of my all time favorites. and RL is just damn amazing. It does take a few spins to get into, but once you get the depth and meaning, it's like a flood gate being opened.

"A Trace Of Blood" is one of the most emotional songs I have heard. They are truely one of the best bands recording today.

Originally posted by DracWell
RL must be the most HONEST records ever. He really exposes himself. I spent last night listening on it with headphones and singing along the lyrics, DAMMIT the stories made me crie. Like Rope Ends and A Trace of Blood...

...and Undertow, which is up there with Katatonia for one of the most powerful displays of hoplessness and desperation I have heard in recent years.
Daniel Gildenlow is a brilliant lyricist, and a very original musician. That being said, these guys do nothing for me. First off, I find the production on PoS' discs to be lacking. It seems that everything is buried. Which is odd. How can everything be buried? Surely something must be in the forefront? But unfortunately, that's the way it sounds to me. Beyond that, musically, the songs don't draw me in. I have yet to hear a PoS song (and I own three of their discs) that makes me want to hear it again. Finally, not only do I find their lyrics depressing, but rehashed. Without the aid of the lyric sheet in my hands, their last two discs seem to be about the same thing.

Pain Of Salvation is my favorite band. I rate each album as a masterpiece. "Remedy Lane" is a brilliant expression of personal loss and inner turmoil.
I had the same thoughts about RL the first time i listened to it.
Its pretty unbelievable though how much it has grown in me, after some spins.I think its one of those records that needs at least 5 times playing.
PoS are definitely original.